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easy to do homemade steamroller pipe (with pics)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by aidenmurrey, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. the materials you need are:

    two 2 liter soda bottles
    duct tape
    a one hitter pipe or chillum. a homemade downstem would also work.

    the one i made rips hard. its harsh on the lungs but doesnt bother me but it would bother a beginner. it gets you fucked though.

    first what you do is take your scissors and cut off the bottom 1/4th of the bottle. this will make the bottom a near perfect cylinder (it doesnt have to be perfect). do this for both bottles.

    next what your going to want to do is make a hole towards the end of one of the bottles. it doesnt matter in which one as long as its the furthest bottle from you. create a small opening for the downstem using a knife or if you have a sharp pair of scissiors, you can use them. once you do that, you can duct tape any areas where air might escape for that hole. you can be very liberal with the duct tape on this part.

    next what you do is slide one bottle into another. this will require a folding of one bottle into the other. there should only be one small area where air can escape. duct tape that small little section closed. its more beneficial to not use a lot of duct tape in the middle. heres what it will look like completed.

    next, your ready to smoke your bud.

    the best part about this construction is its easily detachable in the middle and can also be resealed very simply. it also makes cleaning it an absolute breeze.

    the total time to make this was about 10 minutes or less.
    mine is not pretty whatsoever, but it will get you nice and toasted :smoking:

    toke on!:hello::wave::smoking::D:eek::cool::rolleyes::):devious::smoking::smoking:
  2. Yeah I guess if you have the chillum or downstem that's pretty solid. What about sealing it up with more duct tape to make it and then filling the bottom up with water? maybe that's just overkill for a homemade piece, but you could give it a go just for shits and giggles. Nice flannel PJs by the way.

    Seriously though, flannel is the shit.
  3. the problem with adding water is it would spill out the sides. i did consider this however and there probably is a way to do it. but ive never smoked out of a steamroller and i wanted to give it a try. making it a bong would work too though. just put the cap on.
  4. Or you could just make the downstem reach nearer to the bottom, fill it up to just a bit under the holes and hold it evenly while you toke, making sure that both the tape around the middle and the hand you have on the carb are airtight.
  5. Now, don't be offended, I'm jealous of anyone who's tools actually work. But being a noob, I have a noob question. Is this just a huge homemade pipe?
  6. It's a steamroller, or at least pretty close to a steamroller. it has a big chamber and a big carb so that (1) you get more smoke) and (2) much of the smoke has a longer time to cool
  7. Oh that's a cool idea. :hello: I never smoke my pipe because the smoke doesn't cool off enough, that's a nice compromise.
  8. This looks pretty legit, I'm going to try it sometime.
    Thanks for the share. :)
  9. That looks like it could fuck you up.
  10. Looks more complicated then it has to be.

    Get a paper towel roll the card board tube. . Poke the One hitter/chillium/bowl into it. And enjoy.

    That bottle just seems so complicated.
  11. I like that idea lol. Thats a HUGE steamroller. And to the man above.. the bottle idea looks MUCH funner and bettererererer :hello:
  12. I've got a pretty big steam roller and it's hard enough to clear... that would be crazy
  13. cool guys, thanks. it would probably be eaisier to clear the chamber using 2 20 ounce bottles but this is all i had.

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