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Easy Gram Recipe

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by stikman, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. i need a recipe for one gram of mids its all i have left and i have to go to a boring ass expo tomoro morning so i wanna get the most out of it

    anyone know a quick easy recipe i can make with it?

    i dont have peanut butter or crackers or lemons so basically i cant make firecrackers or that citrus drink in th other thread

    i do have 375ml of vodka tho any suggestions?
  2. easiest thing to do in that case would be to make green dragon. there are a few recipes for it on the site or you can google it.
  3. do ramen, although one gram won't do too much try to get another gram or two
  4. just smoke it man, you'll probs end up wasting it if you cook.
  5. this.
  6. wait till u have a lot of bud. smoke that shit all to your dome RIGHT before your class.
  7. If you could make firecrackers, that would be the way to go. But being that you only have vodka, smoke or vape that shit.
  8. hell nah everybody gone smell me before i even step in the door
    oh well its over now anyway
    i just drank the vodka and went in there faded
  9. I used to blaze everyday before and during highschool and never got caught?? even after clambaking cars??

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