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easy edibles ??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by imhighritenow, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. do you have any recipies for any edibles that are similar to firecrackers. like just super easy to make and dont need to make cannibutter or anything
  2. Ghetto Dorm Room Style Firecrackers:


    Peanut Butter of your choosing (Usually the cheapest kind cause we're college students)
    Herbage, quality of your choosing: I've made this with everything from the schwaggiest shit ever to the dankiest blue dream ive ever seen, both work well.
    Ritz Crackers

    Take a big heaping full of the peanut butter and put it on the ritz cracker. Sprinkle your herbage on top. If its schwag, i'll use a lot, .5-.7 and if its dank i'll use .2-.3 in each one. Take another heaping full of peanut butter and put it on another cracker. Make a sandwich with the two crackers. Take said ghettocracker and put it in the microwave.

    Since our microwave is cheap and old, its only 700W. 30 seconds per firecracker is the way I've found to go. I usually will put 2 at a time in the microwave. For this I'll put them in for 50 seconds, then let them sit out for like 3-4 minutes then back into the microwave for 15-20 seconds. This just seems to make them work better.

    Eat: (Note, this may taste like shit).
  3. cannapeanutbutter nd green dragon
  4. Firecrackers are the only thing you can make without cannabutter.
  5. couldnt i just take some cookie dough and just sprinkle some weed into each cookie than cook it ?
  6. Firecrackers ^^
  7. Yes, but how do you know the mix will be sufficiently fatty? For edibles to be the most potent, you need a high fat content.

  8. thanks , thats all i was askin for

  9. i was never gonna do it , i was just curious . chill sesh yo
  10. When one makes firecrackers, compared to cannabutter, how much stink would this cause your kicthen to produce?

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