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Early Skunk 09 Outdoor

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by bullfrog6, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. Its my first grow and so far things seem to be going well. I started them April 29th in cups and just transplanted them a week and a half ago. I belive some of the plants are suffering shock from it. The type of soil I'm using is a mixture of potting soil and the soil that was originally there. I am some what worried about the original soil because its from a cornfield and I'm worried about some of the fertalizer that might be in it. I did a ph test today on a couple of my plants and it says that it is slightly acidic (around 6.5). We've had a bit of a bug problem lately (spidermites and whiteflies) but I have sprayed them with an insecticide today so hopefully that will do the trick. I've posted pictures of a couple plants I am worried about because they dont seem to be doing thier best so any advice you all from the city could give me would be greatly appreciated.
    (If the pictures dont show up please let me know how to make them show up becuase I am retarded when it somes to technology)

    this first one is actually not early skunk but some fire mids I got out of a bag, shes doing well I belive

    Now this one here is early skunk and is one of my five biggest and should be one of the best however it has brown spots in the leaves wich has me worried

    This one here is also one of my better ones but as you can see it has a little browning at the tip and the top of the plant seems to be an orngish color

    Now this one is probablly the worst out of all of them its droopy, browning in spots, and curling

    This one has good color but the leaves seem to be thin and curvy

    And finally this ine just seems to be a little stretched and under developed

    Again this is all outdoor and t is my first time grow so if the experienced growers of the city could help me out so that my first grow could be fruitful I'd appreciate it.
  2. Whoa. Dude you gotta resize that pic. Its hard to look at posters on a computer screen.:rolleyes:

    Yeah couldve proly better planned the soil, but 6.5 is cool.

    In the big pic those spots look silver. Are their bugs on the underside of the leaves? They might just look like dots, you have to look close.

    But the plants seem semi-healthy.

    Good Luck.
  3. how do you resize pictures...

    Also on a darker note...

    I am so sad right now...the insecticide I sprayed the plants with yesterday has wilted them and put many brown spots on them...I flushed the and washed them but I dont know how well it will work...

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