Is it possible for a plant to fully mature a week before it's "supposed" to? The hairs are like half white and half amber.
Yes it's possible. And you didn't ask, but no, you can't tell from the color of the pistils. Examine the trichs under 25x-75x magnification.
yea like toasty said u cant go by the hairs, if you cant get a microscope to check the trichs then a jewlers loupe will work
They DONT******* all turn right away, some people like to wait till its half amber half clear, i would imagine its gradual.
Depends on the varity. Sativa: i wouldn't wait for amber tricomes. CBD builds up in the tricomes and negates the clean head high. where a indica it's less noticable when it gets too ripe. I've learned to follow dear ED R.: when around the time of ripping you get a little bit shine back from some of the Tricomes "like jewels" she's ready.