I am in Ohio and we are getting heavy, steady rain up from the hurricane until Sunday. Will it hurt my girls that have just started to put energy into forming flowers(just stopped stretching) aside from lack of sunlight? The rain is heavy but it's no downpour either. Idk if it matters but the strains are haze special pp, big Devil XL auto(somehow it ended up flowering alongside the other pp plants) and ICE. Sent from Hell using Tapatalk
I'm worried about the same thing. Glad you asked, I'm looking forward to seeing the replies. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I haven't had bad raim, but from what I have read you can use a leaf blower to hit the plants that have been drenched. Keep the airflow up so the buds can dry. Keep an eye on them.
If they are getting massive amounts of rain and are in pots I would cover them.from being over watered. And id pull them under some type odlf roof for a little until it lets up. If they're in the ground you can lay a tarp around the plant to drain water away. And leaf blower works but do it from a distance, in heavy rain my mate puts up a make shift 1 plant canopy to help from to much rain. Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
Im in ohio also. Its supposed to clear up by labor day. Mine are in fabric pots so im not worried about overwatering but theres a little white powder mildew on some leaves and im a lil worried about mold but i only have 3 weeks to go so im just gonna try to ride it out as long as possible.
I'm south of you guys hurricane rains missed me but it rained on me a lot at the end of July and first of August like never dried out for 4 weeks of course that was the first 3 weeks of flower. garden got bud rot have been fighting it ever since. Sent from my SM-N910T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Have them well staked when it's done borrow a leaf blower and blow off the girls. Had heavy rain for 5 days last year. This saved me