Discussion in 'General' started by lman_15, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. last time i took E i took 2.5 pills so my tolerance is getting sorta high... i have one pill and its my last time doing it for a while so i was wondering should i snort it or parauchte it?
  2. I dont recomend snorting anything....................

    parachute that somabitch.
  3. I'd wiait a week at least and then pop the thing. If you really want you can snort it too, but i like the effects of just taking them better. If you roll too many times close together your tolerance builds up fast, and your come down is a lot harder
  4. how many times have you done E? and when was the last time you did it?...tolerance level doesnt take affect as soon you've done it once..

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