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Dying Plants? Please help man.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by TrippyCannabis, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. Anyone know what is wrong with my plants?

    I just put them outside a couple days ago and saw problems this morning.

  2. Give us more info on your grow. Could be pH, overwatering, a number of things

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  3. Whats with the sticks your not mulching a flower bed
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  4. Well I've been testing the water with a liquid ph tester kit and I've been keeping it at a steady 6.5 and the runoff seems to to be a 7.0. I only water them about twice a day each with one red solo cup full of water and barely any nutrients at all, maybe a few drops at 2-2-2. It has been pretty hot lately here in the Midwest at about 95 degrees Fahrenheit lately with high humidity. They get good sunlight everyday with a couple more than 7 hours.

    Just heard it helps keep in moisture but in also using perlite so I don't even know if I'm just being counterintuitive or what but I don't see how it can hurt it.
  5. 2 solo cups a day is too much water. Seedlings need very little water. Let them dry out some and back way off on your watering. Maybe a quarter of what your watering...after they dry out. Once they look healthy again you can water the container till runoff and you should be good for three days or so. Cannibis roots need dry periods as much as they need water. Also if you started with decent soil there is no need to be feeding at this point.
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  6. Alright thank you for the advice I will cut off right away
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  7. Yeah those puppys are drowning for sure. Less water is better then overwatering with any strain. You want the roots to spread out and search for moisture. This builds a solid foundation for when it gets time to flower. Best of luck man.
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  8. Thank you so much for telling me this, it took me a while to realize that maybe I was using too much water but now I know.
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  9. Hit me up anytime. This forum is about helping each other since we all enjoy the hobby and its medicinal use.
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  10. If you just put them outside it could be light shock too.
  11. Yeah that's I was thinking for the longest time too but I stopped the watering and I'm going to see how that works and if not I guess it has to be the heat, it has been a steady high 90s lately.

    Thanks man, I will! I appreciate the hospitality man for real:gc_rocks:
  12. any updates on the water logged overfed seedling?

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  13. I'd say could be nutes too. Correct em if I'm wrong but your useing soil. 0 nutes needed to be added so earley in soil. I have a light mix myself and was 6 weeks before I added nutes at 20% of recommended strength.

    Also with a large pot like that most probely needs watering more like twice a week instead of twice a day.

    How much medium is used there?
  14. hot soil ..poor drainage...over watered wrong runoff ph. too much ferts way too early..

    BAD start ..
    2.make sure new pot drains well
    3. get the runoff ph in the right range
    4. lay off feeding it until it catches up and starts looking normal....

    5. at this stage if you have other seeds it's best to pop them . and start them correctly..they will for sure catch up and pass this one...if not settle in and be patient for the cation ratio to stabilize.


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  15. Thank you everyone for all the help but I checked on them today and they all seemed to be dead, and my one that I had somewhere else was eaten by a rabbit(my luck right). They were all wilted over and almost all brown:( I think I just needed to do more research but oh well, you live and you learn and I definitely learned from this lol. I will for sure be taking everything said into consideration for next year.
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  16. Hit me up when you want to run your next crop. I will make sure you get yourself some good smoke. Shoot me a email
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  17. Sorry to here about your loss. Next time no nutrients until later. Way less water, better soil, smaller sealing pot, condition them to the sun and heat before leaving them out. I almost killed mind by putting it right outside. Saved it by putting shade cloth over it and removing it more and more over 2 weaks time. If you have more seeds start again. Or take a cutting from a friend and clone it if possible. Good luck buddy.
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  18. #18 TrippyCannabis, Jul 13, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2017
    Thanks for the help man I really do appreciate it and it's all going into mind for next time:)

    Will do man thanks a lot!:)
    Edit: Contacted you
  19. Just looked in my email inbox and junkmail and nothing there. Try sending again to :
  20. Lol when I read the reply I was thinking "I bet this stoner puts @ at the front"
    • Funny Funny x 1

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