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Dying Little Seedlings

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by joebechill, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. BAD NEWS. My seedling is falling over and can't support itself just like my last plant that died. it couldn't recover and i am thinking that this could happen again.
    Im using non-pH'd water from my new dehumidifier
    I don't know if not pHing my water is doing this but i would assume that it doesn't matter since they are so young. Maybe using my dehumidifier water in general? Ive heard people use it on their plants.
    If i got a bad batch of soil with some fucking larve or something in there that is killing my plants from underneath. I really don't know because everything seems to be going perfectly now and this happened. The leaves look great. The soil isn't drying completely out. SO i really don't know what the f is happening. The stems are turning purple and are skinny. please help.

    So, for those who aren't following my journal.. Another plant had this same problem and never recovered. It was because my soil was too dry for too long. This isn't the case with this plant. I'm getting frustrated.

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  2. First response;
    not enough light.
    I may be wrong...
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  3. my 96 elite quantum is about 33 inches from the top of the canopy . should i love it down? i was told this is a good height for seedlings.
  4. *I* am not in a position to answer that question.
    Someone familiar with that lighting will come along...
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  5. @tooslow is right; you need to give them more light. That's why they're so skinny and leggy; they've been trying to reach up for more light. Try lowering your lights down a few inches at a time and monitor them throughout the day. They're not going to recover from the stretching, so you're better off adding more soil to the top of the cup for more support. What are the rooms temps and do you have a small fan giving them a cool, little breeze?
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  6. Yes i have two fans in there on the lowest setting. one on top and one on the bottom of the tent. i have a humidifier going. But fuck yeah dude the soil is keeping it good and upright without the soft wire. I lowered my light from 33" to 24" as well.
  7. is that too drastic?
  8. Not too drastic. We won't know for sure until later in the day. Keep the lights at that distance for now and see how they react. If the leaves start to twist, turn away or cup at the edges, then perhaps they're too close. Adjust them as necessary, depending on what the leaves are telling you. Good luck.
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  9. dude thank you so much for that info!!! twist , turn away , or cup at the edges. i took a photo again just now. would you say that she is twisting? i am not 100% sure yet because the plant was fallen over this morning lmao so maybe it just needs adjusting. i think the other plants are too small to tell any real signs IMG_6705.JPG IMG_6704.JPG [​IMG]

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  10. i’m considering raising it back up a couple more inches if you think this plant is telling me “too much light” lol

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  11. Was she already like that before you adjusted the lights or as soon as you lowered the lights, she started to twist that way?
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  12. Now that I am looking at the pictures above.. it seems like she was already like that.
  13. I will check again in an hour or two.. i guess today is babysitting day. Good day to have nothing to do lol
  14. I also bought this 30$ camera from amazon that i will be able to check with my phone.. that will be nice
  15. Then leave the lights where they are. That twisting is something else. Perhaps pH is off, under-watering, low humidity, etc. It doesn't look all that bad though.
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  16. i haven't pHd my water yet. Would you consider its a good time to start? 6.2pH for soil sound good? Thats what i did my last grow.
  17. Yea, anything from 6.0 - 7.0 should be good for soil growers.
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  18. Awesome thanks. Humidity is low too but thats because i have a shitty humidifier that only hold like a liter lol. I have a small tray of water chilling in there that i refill as well.
  19. Yea, that's one of the things I usually have trouble with; trying to maintain a high humidity at the plant's earlier stages. My humidifier barely does the job. I'm thinking of building a diy humidifier using a store-bought plastic tote and one of these ultrasonic mist makers. I just never have the time to get it started lol.
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  20. Damn , making a diy humidifier has never crossed my mind .. I hope you do and i see a post about it. That would be really interesting.. i was planning on buying a humidifier I've seen in other grows. It has a humidity reader that allows you to set the humidity. seems pretty cool. It holds way more water than mine does too so i wouldn't have to fill it ever cocksucking morning :roflmao:. Im going out of town for the weekend so I'm going to just fill up a lot of bowls in the tent and put my humidifier on low.

    This is the humidifier I'm looking at .

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