Dxm yo

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by itokeup1234, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. sup blades,

    i found some mucinex tablets in my cabinet last night and i read the active ingredients are, 20mg DXM, and 400mg Guifinaiseen(i think that's how you spell it). My question is, how much tablets should i take to have a decent trip and is guifinasin bad for you? i've robotripped once and it was 2 years ago. help would bemuch appreciated thanks!
  2. Fail.

    Get something with pure DXM or youre fucked. Dont take muxinex.
  3. what would happen if i take,say take 20 tablets?
  4. If you took 20 tablets you would be getting 8000mg of Guifinisin in your system and would get violently sick for about 16-24 hours.
  5. and die.
  6. don't be a fucking idiot

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