Dxm? questions.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Bigbrother, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. Hi i'm brand new to dxm.I picked up "benylin chest cough" which has 750mg of dextromethorphan hydrobromide in the whole bottle.

    Did i pick up the right thing?

    It also has Gauifenesin, is this bad?

    Is this enough for me to trip out?

    What kind of trip should i expect?

    Is the trip worth the 7 dollers?

    thank you city.
  2. Gauifenesin will make you sick. i would get a dxm only product.
  3. Gauifenesin isn't terribly dangerous, but but if you drink that much you're almost guaranteed to puke.
  4. can anyone tell me where i can get a syrup-based dxm product in toronto?

    can some one tell me how much i need to trip no ones answering the questions i list.
  5. Go to Walmart

    And Christ... the search button is there for a reason. http://forum.grasscity.com/pandora-s-box/31682-dxm-faq.html

    The DXM FAQ. Do some reading.
  6. thank you so much.
    sry lemme get the hang of this, im new.
  7. No problem. Let us know how your DXM trip goes.
  8. for sure, check back sunday morning.
  9. Safeway has a dex only brand that comes in syrup, i think its a generic safeway label, red maybe? Syrup made me sick the 2 or 3 times i tried... ever puke and shit at the same time?

    Pill/powder form is easier to keep down/in. (just took a small dose actually)
  10. Make sure you look around for the store brand.

    I was debating getting bud tommorow/tripping tonight because I was buying the $6 bottes (4mL) and when I was down there I found the $2 bottles, so now I can get both.

  11. 750mg is a big dose for your first time you should probably aim around 450mg
  12. if it has guaifinsin(sp) then you'll be okay, you'll prob get nauseated, and my throw up, but after that your trippin balls like normal :)(let it rest about 1 1/2 at most to digest it all

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