So i'm going to try DXM for the first time tonight. Just picked up two bottles of Adult Robotussin Cough Long-Lasting. It's only active ingredient is Dextromethorphan HBr, but it contains 1.4% alchohol. Did I get the right stuff?
Yes. DXM inherently causes nausea, and the sugars and preservatives in syrups just make it worse. Take a few Benadryl or some sort of motion sickness pill beforehand to counteract it. Or just smoke some bud and take it easy until the nausea subsides.
I actually don't get nauseous at all. I don't know why, but the trips are always perfect. Good luck! Note: You might want to get something for the itching though. I only itched for like 15 minutes, but everyone's different.
yup you got the right kind.. I tripped last night pretty good, im gonna trip again tonight and then take a break from it for a while. Ill be on later again!!
Yea same here dude. Never really gotten nauseous at all even the 1st time I tried DXM lol and I drank a few rum and cokes that night too. Which probably wasnt a good idea on my part but Im still here so its all good. Anyways have fun dude! Come back and and post a trip report man.
i personally can't stand the taste or feel of the syrups i will vomit after a few chugs. i stick to the gelcaps but damn they are expensive. But i only trip about twice a month so it's not bad.
I am! I'm still trying to decide whether to take one or two bottles (~354 in each). It's my first time so i'll probably stick to just one. Decisions, decisions...
I'm planning on tripping on ambien tonight. I think I'm going to take 2 10mgs. I don't plan on doing this often and I'd rather have one mindblowing experience than two medicore ones.
nonamezleft, how tall and whats ur weight!! im doin close to 800, with a blunt on hand!! keep posting!!
I jusr drank 4 oz of a 15mg per 5 ml. 4oz = 118ml so 118/5 = 23.6 x 15 = 354. Also has 1.4% alcohol. I got it down pretty easy and the black guy in the store said have fun when i bought it lol. So i jsut did 354 mg of DXM, I have another 354mg bottle, I wieght 200 pounds. How much more should I drink, I fell slightly drunk ATM and I dosed about an hour and ten minutes ago. Im contemplating going another 100mg. Guy what do you think i should do?
I weigh about the same as you. I took 2 of those bottles and I was third plateau. My body and mind were separate. It's amazing. I suggest taking the whole other bottle. It all really depends on what kind of trip you want.
I dosed 300mg (one full bottle of gelcaps) at around 4:45. An hour later, I'm experiencing some musical appreciation and I think I'll be coming up soon.
Actually about the whole nausea thing, I've never really read anywhere about taking DXM on an empty stomach, which is a given, but still. When I eat a decent sized meal, and take DXM within the next half hour or hour, I get almost nothing. But if I take it on an empty stomach I get fairly sick sometimes. So I guess the best advice for getting sick would be to have at least a granola bar in your stomach