Wussgood, first time on the site posting, after 2 years after reading posts I finally got the time to join, work and school, and u know, them bitches!! Ive had my share of drugs, chemical or natural, pills, plants,ect ect!! Now lets go onto the legal-high trip, sumthing we all call DXM First time Ive tried DXM was when I was 18 Split a Zicam bottle with a friend ( I only use Zicam Cough Max ) The closest to the purest form.. Roughly 200 between each of us. This trip i had the usual closed eye imagination. Felt like a good fuckin drunk, something new. So weird how a little bottle can get us fucked up, its soo funny how our mind and body work in an amazing way. NEXT WEEK after the first one MY First Real TRIP -Facts - 2 Bottles To myself.. bout 780 mg Perfect amount for a perfect 2nd Platue Location - At my friends house right down the street Time - around midnight! My friend took one bottle I took 2 since it was his first time Time 1:00 just on the peak, fuckin incredible, sumthing new, never experienced by me or anything in my mind. We're both listening to music, just in a euphoric mode, his garage just took on a new environment, like a whole new place. Time 2:00 we decide to go in his car, parked right in front of his garage, always nice to change a location. We light up two fatass blunts, and put on Tech N9ne - T9X. this song just changed my mind, 15 mins later, im gone, the weed rockets me to a whole new dimension.. For the next 2 hours, its imagination after imagination, trip and trip! I came down at around 5 and just walked home and fell asleep real easy.. I stoped doing DXM after about 5 trips within a span of 3 month.. It has been nearly a year, I tripped last week with one bottle, milder effects, but still was pretty nice, had sum purp to take me to a good level.. NEW TRIP TONIGHT Im posting a new post again tonight for my second trip.. here is my trip-planning 2 Zicams Dime to smoke thru the trip Some warheads to take the taste away ( Warheads are the best ) My parents room, cuz theyre gone, so a new location is a must! Im gonna post as i take it, and thru some of the trip if i feel like i got the motivation since i dont want to ruin the fun!! But I'll be back at about 10PM to start it off Its my birthday today, 21
haha thanks man, I made it to the legal age..finally Always be positive with things.. Which is why i take long breaks in between the tripping so It doesnt ruin its magic, plus you have to have a good mindset when preparing to trip so everything goes perfect!! Tripping is a deffinently a BIG NO if something bad happend in your life recently, it turns into a very bad experience. When I trip I do it to see the world in a different dimesion and perspective, to see a whole new me, it really changes you on a good note!!
You sound like a smart man. I have used hallucinogens wrongly in the past. But I have had long periods where I dont and then do, and it is so so so much more rewarding. I dont really like tripping that much anymore haha. Like I think certain things happen in life and you could use psychedelic experience to provoke its reward, but I am currently not really in the time nor place. Like its easy to get, but I want to get my life fast forwarded, and then I will have an awesome experience in the future sometime.
thanks man, ohh trust me ive had my bad share of trips with other uses of materials!! You just learn from it, check your limits, dont overdo it or else you'll do sumthing crazy like call a family member and think its not happening, or call 911 haha I hate when people, dumb people use it as a cheap way of getting fucked up and not thinking.. When i do it, I want to be amazed, sumtimes the day is boring so I just do some dxm and make a fun ass night of gazing, tripping, and meditation, sit in the backyard, just the noise of little crickets if fuckin amazing, and the stars, you look at them different, you think to yourself " how do we have stars and what do they look up closer" then you just take one second to think of it, and the dxm plays out its part, and its just fuckin amazing!!
The last trip I had was with some 2ci. I think it wasnt exactly pure because I have flashbacks from it, they are very minor, they actually stopped, but I had them for the longest time. Yeah though, all those synthetic chemicals are too sketchy for my liking. You can get the most insane mindfuck from dxm and mushrooms combo. Like I kept seeing these really colorful lines shooting everwhere, and then I was seeing sparkles and shit everywhere, like foliage and shit in my room, it was nuts........Well then me tripping hard thought the room needed to be pitch black, so I did this. I was seeing like spinning machinery that was all colorful and shit haha. I was seeing like the sun coming down and the moon rising up. Remember this is all my imagination. I threw up super hardcore though and I sat there and thought about life and wondering if I was going insane, but then it felt like god was inside of me and I was laughing my ass off at nothing and I felt wonderful like serious revelation occured haha. The dxm makes the shrooms such a mindfuck it is ridiculous.
haha we got sumthing in common.. first time i did shroomies, i took about more than half with 700 mg of DXM and...WOW.... 3 hours after the does, lit up a joint, and that gave me another fuckin boost, very nice effects!!!
I fucking know man. I was tripping way too hard to move, like when I am in that state I just lay there and think about shit while trying to stay somewhat baseline with my thinking. Yeah though, once you smoke with it, like that combo, that is the best effect you can ever ever ever get from herb. I did that and it felt so fucking ridiculous, justl ike energy was blowing out of my body like what a wav file looks like, with all those jagged lines like a graph haha. That is basically what I was seeing. And then I put my hood up on my coat because it was cold, and I felt like I was riding through the desert when I was sitting in my beanbag. The dxm makes the visuals 10 times more badass haha. Like dxm overexagerates any substance to its limit, its fucking sweet.
FUCKKK, i cant wait till tonight hahah, its gonna be amazing.. u should trip tonight.. btw u still trip?? with the DXM i mean?
11:30 Just ate 2 pieces of bread, small amount, drank half a cup of milk, both help with aches and the puke. Im bout to dose in 10 mins, my bad i was on a blunt bounce, so im high too which also helps real good!! thankksss man, ill be back
Dude im on DXM too, but its my second time. Second time is better trust me, its like your first time 2x.
im fucked up i love it, i typed this out but i exited outeithout posting so i had to do it twice hahaha im starting to tripv like a motherfffffuuucker 780mg helllll yeaaa the warheads helped out weith the taste, thank god. i will get back on...!!!
Sounds pretty fun bro. If I was on 780mg I would be deep into a third plateau trip myself. Hell, I get a 12mg/kg trip off of 650mg, which is getting close to a 4th plat! I'd suggest trying a third if you haven't before, they're so much more profound, amazing, and beautiful. Out of all my third plat trips, my least profound one was still about 3x more profound then my biggest second plateau. Try it man, you'll probably like it!
holy shit i only took 360mg and i tripped balls like crazy. Dude gratz with you man im like on the down low now
wow i love this lol, i miss it, im watchin half-baked ahahahahaha omg such in a good moodd feeliiin guckin good, about to smoke dat blunt hahah! ILL GET BACK ON AGAIN is been and hour i can barely type
Dude i want to smoke a bowl too but my dealer is slow, just gotta wait for it. Half baked be the shit. Got that on my pc to watch later tonight.