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dwc ScrOG

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by chacha123, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. #1 chacha123, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2009
    hello, ive been wanting to start a dwc scrog with about 4 - 6 plants..
    anyway im split on the desision of having just 1 rubbermaid bucket (20-25 gal) for all plants vs. indivual 5 gal buckets for each plant....
    since i want to do a ScrOG i could see that having indivual buckets would be a pain to clean out/change solution on the other hand ive heard just having 1 bucket can make it hard accounting how much each plant needs in the way of nutrients..
    any one else run into this problem?

    ps. i might make this a grow journal, ill be getting started very soon and could use the cities input...
    recently i havnt been that active on the city, but i love reading/resreaching hydro, ive gained a wealth of knowlege from the people here. Ive been a member here since i was 15 (untill i got banned) dont worry mods im of age now n ready for my 1st attempt to grow :)
  2. Problems arise with multiple plants in large containers when the plants don't grow uniformly, and require the same nutrient levels. Uniform plants come in two forms, clones, and good genetics. If you try to grow bagseed, or multiple strains, the plants require different nutrients, so they can't share the same water.

    Another thing you need to be concerned with when growing in a large container is proper aeration. what kind of air pump/airstone setup do you have?

    We'll make a journal out of this thread yet.:D
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  3. thanks for the reply unclenugs,
    im aware of the plants could not grow in uniform, or they would need more / less nutrients. But how big of a problem would it be?.i was planning to get clones (id get the same strain if i decided to go with 1 big res.)
    I have a dual air pump its a Tetratec AP150 60Hz 2.5 watts, also i have another small fish pump..I was planning on getting another pump to be safe, also i still need to get a few air stones..
  4. each option has its pros/cons. a larger reservoir is a more stable one in terms of ph, ppm, and temperature. i personally made the change to 5 gallon buckets mostly because 15-20 gallons of water is pretty damn heavy for res changes. plus individual buckets let you treat each plant individually, not have to worry about tangled roots with males.

    i've been thinking of setting up a DWC SCROG with individual buckets for a little while now, with each bucket having its own screen attached to the lid. this would allow you to work with each plant by itself but still keep an even canopy. hope this made sense/helped. peace
  5. thanks, i think i'm going to go with individual buckets now..props on the idea of having a screen for each plant, i've never seen or read that before, it seems that would clear up some problems that could arise with a dwc scrog
  6. I used a Drill pump which connects to any drill but for less swearing and screaming at myself i use a cordless. I got mine from amazon in the uk for £5 which is around 7/8 usd i think. It emptys a 20 litre bucket in around 30 seconds and i just put the hose under the lid with it slightly raised until its all empty

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