I got a 5 day old seedling with peach fuzz roots coming out the 6" net pot. The roots are about .75" underwater and the shit looks fine. 1st grow all that bs etc. Should i lower the water or let it ride.
When they finally drop down in into the water is when they finally take off. Keep the water just below the bottom of the net pot so when the bubbles burst they wet the bottom of it as they splash. Let me know when you have a bucket root ball that looks like this. Plenty of air...200ghp and two airstones per bucket when I did DWC. Just thought I'd lay down a post appropriate to the thread title. You need root microbes both bacterial and fungal, carb/sugar hydro friendly supplements like AN's budcandy or GH's floranectar, and an enzyme to break up dead material in the root zone. I use hygrozyme but there is also cannazyme and I've been told both products are only barley based pond clarifier in fancy packaging.
In fact as a long time DWC grower I'll give you a pro tip. I use an aeroponic cloner with a sprayer. If you use a clone machine of any type, bubble, fog, or spray, just let the roots get extra long on the cloner until they are long enough to drop into the bucket. Drill a 5/8" hole in the bottom of your net pot. When you transplant from cloner to net pot fish the longest roots down in the hole in the bottom and fill in with gravel around them. When you do that the plant has no delay at all and takes off like a rocket being right in the nutrient solution day one. It takes at least a week off of veg time.
You can still have overwatering in dwc. Caused by too high of a water level, water logging the medium. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
well its been 4months and I cant believe it. She lived, root ball is nothing in comparison but she grew perfectly balanced and buds everywhere. Lucas formula at 5/10 gal in tap water. Temps sucked over summer but i think she did fine.