Hi guys, just mulling some stuff over in my head. I'd like to grow DWC again, however this time I'd like to grow using a screen, so my lid won't be able to come off and I'm unsure as to how I'd empty and refill my res. Anybody deal with this?
I'm a home brewer and was thinking of using a bottling bucket. It's a 6 gal bucket with a spigot on the bottom. Not sure if it'll do what you want but just a thought.
Would be absolutely perfect if I had the headroom to spare, unfortunately I'm tight as is lol. My last grow I used a battery operated siphon thing to drain my bucket. Is there any way I can set up a barrier in my res that roots won't grow through or anything like that? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
On Amazon they have rectangular shaped 5.6 gal buckets and lids. I use a hole saw to drill a hole at the bottom and use a bulkhead fitting where I can then thread on valves or whatever. You could do the same with totes. Then I cut an 8" hole in the rectangle lid to put the netpot through
I've installed a bulkhead fitting, used a small powered submersible pump but this works best. Multi-Use Transfer Pump You can drill an access hole on the lid and keep it covered until you need to do a change.
Think I've decided that I'd like to do something like this as it honestly seems like the easiest thing to do with my space in particular. Anything obviously wrong with this kind of thing besides doubling up on the amount of water I have to carry to my room
Only negative thing I can thinking is potential leaks and you will never get the last 1/2 gallon of dead space from one of the buckets. You will still need a way to get the water out of the second bucket without disconnecting it. Plus you will need a submersible pump to feed the plant.
I might pick up the transfer pump you mentioned and just stick that in through the hole to get that last bit. Already have a submersible pump laying around somewhere from my last grow, probably going to have some kind of drip ring going too if that's what you meant?
this has been one of my issues as well. i would really like to have a screen on my bubble bucket but i regularly remove the plant to clean the bucket. i'm currently thinking of a way to build a contraption that connects to the screen and the lid of the bucket and lifts the plant up all at once.
I'm sure I've seen it done on here before but I have no idea how or what they used Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
I've done it two ways. One is I drilled a hole on a 10g tote at the very bottom and put a rubber grommet and seal it. I raid the res about 7-12 inches off the ground so the water can just drip down onto a smaller res to catch the water. ( I would share that water around with house plants and garden , no nutes wasted) Another way I tried was opening the lid and cracking it open just a little to fit a small 80gph pump with a hose and I would pump the water out. Small enough to fit and do no harm to the roots. From there I would use a clean rag to clean up the rest of the water at the bottom. At some point I stopped cleaning it and just depended on sensysym. Tupur & Blumats ~ OnePrays Organic Grow. Tupur & Blumats ~ OnePrays Organic Grow. OnePrays Outdoor Grow. OnePrays Outdoor Grow.
I'm thinking of picking up a cheap hand pump as a tester. My old electric siphon was hugely bulky but if I can get away with using a smaller tube and a water pump then I will. I'm also not planning on cleaning my res from start to finish, gonna have like an inch or two of buildup by the time I'm done lmao Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk