ive decided to start a dwc grow with a 150watt hps i was thinkin 1-2 plants...i also have 150 watts of cfl that i was going to use(what do you think about cfl and how should i go about using it, also could i use 150 of hps and 150 of cfl how many plants COULD that grow)..im growing in a closet approximately 3x3x7...i have nutrients from fastgardens.com and also ph up and down and all that stuff im new to the ph levels and also to how much nutrients to use ETC. i was wondering if you have ne links or could give me some information in getting me started!!! thanks
there are plenty of stickies to read right under the button you clicked to make this thread that have all of the answers you'll need. Also... http://forum.grasscity.com/do-yourself/121335-lets-build-bubble-bucket-step-step.html even if you don't go with the bucket, it may help you understand your own system more. Read around other threads as well, all of your questions have probably been answered before, you just have to search a little for it. and, to answer some of your questions simply, 2 plants would do very well under 150HPS/150CFLs I have 2 under 300 CFL and they are doing great! you might even be able to fit 3 or 4 plants in there if you wanted to keep them relatively small and felt amibtious...But i Personally think you'd get more pleasure out of 2 larger plants..they are fun! keep the CFLs as close as possible. If you have a fan blowing over the bulbs then your leaves won't get burnt unless they are touching the Tube or the ballast for a little while...I've had my bulbs centimeters from my leaves and the plants just eat all that light up! try to have the side of the bulb facing the plant (exposing more bulb surface area = more light delivered than if you point it straight)