Hey all, I will be paying for this new bong soon and wanted to know what everyone thought about it and if it could use anything. Let me know! "26" 75x9mm to 50x9mm Schott Duran tubing Jumbo Keg Showerhead Inverted Circ 3x Disc Diffusers Dome Splash 18mm Female 18mm Slide (larger) 18>14 Low-Pro Adapter/AC 14mm Slide (snapper) Nug Jug Hot Stick Case Black/Grey Color work on Showerhead Inverted Circ Stem Slides Discs (all of them?) Drop in Adapter Jug and Stick "Draygonia" etched in font specified Tribal patterns etched on entire tube Custom Marbles (if you like them, we'll do a couple for the piece) Price 670 Shipping 30 for 700 Final including shipping."
sounds like a crazy tube, I've heard that DWB does great work and I'm talking with them about doing a titanium skillet. I'd probably do a stemline with one other means of filtration, but that's just me. Put some pics up once you get it, I'm sure that it'll be beautiful!!
u can do it its just ur gonna need a ton of water to make the inverted shower head fire not to mention the 3 disks enlighten me if im missing somthing tho this is just how im seeing it
That was also my concern, I would assume that he would place the discs closer to the bottom so they would get water in there to fire.
u should go with a two chamber design like jumbo shower head to disk then like a circ or something to another disk just a thought my man
The only thing I am concerned about atm is if the water will be able to reach up to the circs, but stop before getting to the dome... I definitely think there will be some crazy bubbles though.
that thing sound like a beast!! I think you would be good with one disk and the showerhead but thats just me. maybe a circ up top. Otherwise i think there would be too much drag. I fuckin love my DWB i should post some pics one of these days.
I spoke with the glass-smith and he said that the circ percs don't create much more drag at all. I just want to increase the time it takes for the smoke to reach my mouth It is pretty overkill, but I wanted to fill up the tube as much as I could.
Sounds bad ass man, 26 is way to tall imo hope youve hit tall tubes, lots of volume to milk, my two footer double perc is closet dust i hate it, trying to pass that shit around, better yet always keeping an eye you dont knock it over. plus you cant rip it on your lap. why not just go showerhead to inverted circ, no disk's, 18inch prob bring your price down few hundred aswell
Thanks for that man, I agree with the too tall thing... passing that around would be painful. I will see about going around 18-20 inches instead. As far as the discs and dome, I will see how that setup will work. I like plenty of filtration and I also like the bong to look more complex (while still working!).
your design is crazy of course. But wont work with no seperate chambers. you wont have enough water to pass the barrel shower head disc disc disc The waffle works enough to pass two discs. So I dunno, if you want a fuck face load of drag which will result in the most amazing filtration humanly possible. Then there ya go. If you want something else. I suggest going with a barrel to a disc. then a dome shower head to a disc. as apposed to having an inverted shower head I laughed at myself for thinking it would cost you alot of money though cause I know in comparison to name brand glass, it will be at least 1/3 the price
Ive read this in a few forums that DWB uses Schott Duran, I doubt he imports that from germany, and for the price he sells them for hes blowing glass for nothing...
Well, I am trying to get it down to around 500-600 by shortening it up and removing a few features perhaps. I cannot think of any custom glass blowers willing to blow glass for that price and provide a custom piece. $700 will buy a nice setup from toro, roor, etc... but it won't be custom for me. That is why I am buying this... because it is custom!
I'm definitely not an expert on this but I find it hard to believe that everyone who uses schott duran imports it from germany themselves..I know the shop drew buys his glass from is a few blocks from the DWB studio in LA and I've seen pictures from multiple boxes of glass indicating that it is indeed schott duran.. As far as this tube..damn thats quite a bit of stuff.. Thinking about it, I think the best way for this tube design to work is to stack the 3 disk diffusers proportionally right above the jumbo showerhead and then have the inverted circ sit right above the third disk...but even then I dunno if that will stack high enough. Theoretically, the water/bubbles will shoot out from the jumbo showerhead and then go through 3 "stages" of lift, each disk representing an increase in the height of the water level. Then the water would shoot up into the inverted circ with the extra kick provided by the 3 disks and boom...most unnecessary combination of solitary dry filters I've ever heard of....but if it all works according to plan it would be one smooooooth ass hit. Looking forward to seeing this tube!
Do you think that is possible? I was hoping to get the smoothest hit possible. Unnecessary? Very. I just want something unique, customized for me and able to deliver a very smooth hit. The drag isn't a big problem... As long as it isn't like sucking a golf ball through a garden hose! lmfao.
Yeah it's definitely possible...might want to go with a waffle/stemline/barrel stemline as they will provide more of a kick start then the jumbo showerhead..maybe. Honestly the best way to find out is to ask drew what he had in mind in terms of the design.. Chances are whatever he had in mind will come out working very well..but thats not to say it wont take some time to get the spacing and design perfect...If what you're looking for is the SMOOTHEST most FILTERED hit you can possibly get within a certain price range and aren't necessarily too picky on the percs involved..then just ask drew what he thinks would be the smoothest and most efficient design possible..Unfortunately, he might say the pillar is the smoothest design he's made so far, which would end up costing a pretty penny with all of the working.