Dutch/white owl/swisher sweet cigarillos/black&mild capacity

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by ewaxler, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. Alright so I just bought hella blunts and I'm gonna smoke all of em in a day:hello:
    I have 3 dutches, 3 white owls, 2 sweets, and one black&mild.
    I know its prefrence and how big you want etc but whats the average amount I should put in each of these?
  2. Well the black and milds will not hold allot of weed but the rest should hold a decent amount
  3. I'll toke on a grape white owl anyday
  4. probably around 1.5 g per swish, maybe a little more or less. whatever you want
  5. #5 **BlaZe iT**, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2009
    You can fit 2g if you roll real good. It wud be fat as fuck though. Take those 3 dutchs, and roll one super blunt. Like a 5 gram blunt.:smoke:

    To answer your question, Put a little more than half a gram in each blunt. This is my preference, i find that it is easy to roll, smokes nice, gets you high nice, but if you want super blunts, than take my other advice lol.
  6. swishers i put in like .7 backwoods i put in at least a gram if im trying to smoke a fat blunt then like 1.5
  7. haha I can barely roll these but if I wanted to how would I go about rolling a superblunt?
  8. Well if you know how to roll a blunt, then just take the dark brown paper, lick it or get some honey and put a few of those together end to end. Then proceed to roll and wrap it with the leaf. Use honey and saliva as needed.
  9. Black n Milds are not for fucking blunt rolling, where do people not understand that.

    The paper is harder, and its a waste, and I smoke black n milds, and they have this carcigenic (mispelled) paper in there, so if you empty the tobacco and you just filled weed in it, thats extremly more cancerous, or if you take out the carcigenic paper, thats wasting time.

    Blacks are not for weed. They are to smoke after the blunt, not be the blunt.
  10. truth.....although they work great for stealth smoking. i make a black and mild spliff, mix weed and baccy and then smoke that walking across campus
  11. You can fit 3.5g if you roll real good ;)

  12. You cant fit a 8th in a regular size blunt, So what you said is retarded.

    Its just common sense.
  13. yeah you cant fit an entire 8th but ive seen some people do some crazy stuff with bluntwraps, like around 3gs just hardly TUcKed into the blunt
  14. ^^
    BlazeIt said he could fit 2g in a blunt if you "roll real good"...kind of implying that is the max.

    I beg to differ, I said I can fit 3.5g.

    Call it an eigth, call it 20, call it a 50...i dont care...all i was saying was that you can fit more than 2g in a blunt if you can roll.

  15. you can put an eighth in a backwood.
  16. .7 is always the magic number for 2 heads. just remember to take off as much paper as u can and are still able to seal your blunt.. i usually go with .3 a person(if 3 ppl are on an L then throw in a gram, this also makes the money situation a lot easier too, pretty much $5 a head depending on where your from, grams go for $15 around here).... Also i wouldnt use the blacks to smoke your herb.... u should have enuff blunts to last you.

  17. I have to give credit to 210hustla because he rolled it but I saw this and kinda thought you were being a dick soo

    and here's the original page

    I think he might have used something bigger than a regular rello tho. Looks kinda like a cigar wrapper

    Attached Files:

  18. I hope you used the tare function with the wrap by itself. That wrap is probably .7ish alone.
  19. I fit ~15 grams in a dutch master honey sport and hotboxed my car ;)
  20. I hope you mean 1.5 ..?

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