Dutch right-wing coalition: Coffeeshops to become members-only clubs

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Superjoint, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. #1 Superjoint, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2010

    The leaders of the conservative VVD, the Christian Democrats and Geert Wilders' Freedom Party have presented their plans for a centre-right government. Amongst 18 billion euro cuts, tightened immigration policies and a ban on the burqa, the parties agreed to turn coffeeshops into members-only private clubs. This would also mean that foreign visitors/tourists are no longer welcome.

    Similar plans to tighten the rules for coffeeshops were proposed earlier, but were only adopted by the province of Maastricht in an attempt to cut off French, Belgian and German tourists. It is likely that such measures would force many Amsterdam coffeeshops, who mostly serve tourists, to close their doors.

    Opposing parties and migrant groups critize the coalition deal, saying it will increase tension in society. Leader of the Freedom Party, Geert Wilders, is due to appear in court in Amsterdam for a total of six days (over the course of a fortnight) on charges of inciting hatred and discrimination against Muslims.

    Christian Democrat MPs are still divided on whether or not to support the coalition agreement.
  2. If i owned a shop in amsterdam and this passed ide just let people sign up for membership at the door. Problem solved :)
  3. ye but still can only let dutch become members, I visit amsterdam regularly and would be gutted to see this coalition take place :mad:
  4. i have a feeling ca is going to get lots of tourist money soon ...
  5. People would still go to Amsterdam and be able to get high. All it would mean is people smuggling bud out of the coffee shops and selling it on the streets. I can't see this idea working. If it wanted to work it should of been put into place when Marijuana was first allowed to be sold. It's one step forward and 2 steps back imo.
  6. Sounds like Cali is about to become Amsterdam-USA Branch :D

  7. not just to quote this,

    So i was planning on going there this next summer coming up, and I am not going to if i can't go get high in a coffee shop...

    I want to go visit amsterdam look at everything, and go obviously smoke in a shop...that sucks...no us people allowed to get high...i may need to read it again...Amsterdam that shop SJ posted looks so dope..if thats what it's like i will be fuckin crestfallen if i can't go there and get high
  8. Yeah that's the Bulldog, one of the oldest coffeeshops in Amsterdam:(. If worse comes to worst you take a little detour and visit me. :smoke:

    This coalition is shaky as hell already, they are planning to legalize smoking (cigs) in small cafés and bars and now they want to outlaw cannabis tourism. Hypocrites.

    They should just make weed legal altogether so there's no black market. The whole point of the members only coffeeshops is to make sure demand drops so the coffeeshop owners have to buy less weed so the big growers get less money. Cause coffeeshop owners buying weed in bulk for retail is still illegal.

  9. Well I understand the cigarette thing kind of I understand like you cant smoke butts in shops or drink in the smoking section of a coffee shop and can't smoke in the bar?

    I mean yeah It will be a year year and a half before I can go there and worst comes to worst It would be an honor to smoke a joint with herb hancok :laughing:

    I still would like to go to a coffee shop and get a taste of the scenery etc.

    It is fucked to because even for calis new law to pass it would still be illegal on a federal level right?

    So like..

    wtf weed is becoming enveloped in more laws day by day it seems...
  10. I don't know what you meant with that first paragraph but you know lots of states in the U.S. have banned smoking in public/indoor places, which kind of makes sense.

    Well now this coalition is planning to legalize all tobacco smoking in every café and bar in the country. A party that's part of this coalition the Christian-Democrats, have made it illegal in the last 2 years, now they want to legalize it again? What kind of snaky inconsistent fuck does that? :p

    In coffeeshops it's technically illegal to smoke tobacco but everybody does anyway, there's no way to check if the joint you're smoking has tobacco in it without breaking it apart and smell isn't probable cause. It is illegal for coffeeshops to sell alcohol but one near me has a separate kind of annex where you can eat and drink.

    Shit's nice.
  11. that first paragraph, my cousin been there twice bought me a bowl from there...

    but yeah...

    I thought they have some shops like 2 decker's, the top floor a bar and bottom a shop, and you can't smoke in the bar and can't drink in the shop...

    I mean I see how shops would want to cater to the tobacco smokers, but that would kinda ruin it for me if i went to a shop to enjoy the smell of bud and it winds up being like starbucks with weed and cigarettes you know?

    Like...i just want to visit and enjoy it and no tobacco but I want to enjoy all aspects of Amsterdam, just the fact they are trying to isolate cannabis tourists is fucked man..but you know it is what it is lol
  12. All over regulation does is drive the market back underground which is exactly what will happen in CA in cities that enact ordinances and prohibitive license,fees trying to stop marijuana or run their cities on marijuana tax dollars.

    The prohibs act as if voting no on PROP 19 will stop marijuana but we and law enforcement know that it will just remain underground and continue on. And there will be more propositions coming at them every year,some legislative and some ballot initiatives,until marijuana is legal once more.

    Oakland has allotted 4 licenses for medical marijuana grows,with outrageous fees,and if they attempt the same tactic with commercial grows it will leave too much of a profit gap and the green market will just continue on and on. While more lenient cities,eager for the taxes and increased cash flow that would be created by keeping their prices down will just draw the over-regulated cites citizens to their marijuana outlets.

    It is not like we don't know how or have to learn anything new to continue using marijuana. If the retail commercial pricing of legal marijuana cannot cut the price to less than 1/2 of today's market price,they are just underwriting the existence of a green market and even at 1/2 of today's cost,the local growers will still produce and sell homegrown products to bargain hunting shoppers.

    In order to stop a green market,the profit has to be removed,period. If a person can produce marijuana for appx $30 per pound outdoors,it leaves a lot of room for markup and profits but greed,prohibitive taxes and licensing fees costing thousands of dollars just widens the profit gap.
  13. All this is going to do is take marijuana out of the coffeeshops and put it onto the streets. Now instead of tourists going into a shop out of public view to get their weed, they'll just go to the street corner or a park or anywhere. This is not going to stop shit. Dutch people will stand outside and they'll take orders from the tourists. They'll go inside, buy the shit and then give it to the tourists outside. What do these retarded fucks think they're accomplishing with a proposal like this?
  14. WTF!!!
    I was planning to go there next year! :eek:

    Amsterdam is the capital city of weed this just can't happen! :eek::eek:
  15. Amsterdam aint even that tight yo, been there done that. It's not what its hyped up to be. You cant go runnin around smoking weed everywhere, its not some pot wonder land. I did the L.A to N.Y to London underwater train shit to france and went at it from there... I wish I had never even wasted my time and money making the trip to the netherlands.. I had much better times in other places throughout europe.. like WAYYYYY better. Cali weed, hash, and open smoking culture stomps on Amsterdam's nut sack.. So does the region, we got beaches, cities, mountains, snow... u cant mess with it.
  16. fuck the right

    this geert wilders fag also thinks muslims are taking over europe and destroying their "culture" (LOL)... close-minded racist bastard!
  17. So how far along is this movement of restricting coffee shops to become member only?
  18. Hopefully it doesn't happen before I go :-S
  19. And tourists will still flock to Amsterdam to see...the canals?:confused: The Van Gogh museum?:confused: Tulips?:confused:

    Its going to be very, very quiet.
  20. This makes me seriously wonder if the right-wingers know how much they are shooting themselves in the foot. Like many have said before, this will not change anything. I would also assume that cannabis smokers bring a lot of income to Holland, as it has become the pot mecca for the world. It is otherwise not a significant tourism destination.

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