I was just wondering if anyone else has ever seen or heard of this; i swear by it now, and thought to make it public... Im not very good with words (they never seem to explain things properly), but i'll give it a try. About two years ago, i was visiting a friends house, and right next to his back kitchen door, growing out of the side of the step, was a beauty of a plant. Well, actually it looked like piece of shit, but i saw the end result; and it was a beaut... So, the secret here, as the title hints, is infact, simple household dust... or any dry dusty dust actually. My theory behind it is simple, i reckon the mighty herb originally came from the Steppes of Russia, highly adapted to rough, windy, dry, just plain harsh conditions. All the extremes it could be assaulted by, it was, and this turned it into what it is today. THC glands evolved as a defence mechanism for the plant, to help retain moisture and leaf health, not sure how it jumped from that to getting people high, but yeah... So, if your plant is having a rough life, and makes it to flowering, it will be beast. Just like LST and trimming, building your plant stronger, making it into a thing of legend. Ive found that the dust method works well no matter how well, or not, you look after your plants, or whether or not you already employ other strengthening techniques... Let me explain it for you: my friends little runt of a plant was growing in a rather crap spot, every time the door was opened it would get knocked about, your leg would scrape against it with every entry and exit of the building. The wind would come howling around the corner all night and day, buffeting the poor soul. But, all of that can be recreated when growing indoor, or out, with your little potted babies. Now here's the important part; dust... every morning, the cleaner would come in early while everyone was still asleep/hung over, and begin the daily rituals of household chores; starting with the sweeping. so allllll the dust, and cat hairs, and bits of ash, and pieces of pizza cheese, and who-knows-what-else gets broomed and pushed around the house, until it gets into the kitchen, at which point, it gets brushed right out the door, and all over the poor devil growing placidly to the side. every day for a year the hardy plant was battered by untold amounts of filth; DRY, DUSTY, DIRTY filth... That little plant, when it finally went to head, was THE most amazing creation i have set my eyes upon and smoked. Truly wonderful. So, i checked this all out and think to myself, that looked easy, im gonna do that with all my plants as well... And i did, and still do, and my beauties continue to blow minds... Its all rather simple infact, just be careful when watering your plants, to make sure you NEVER get the leaves or the stem wet; dont let your plant get rained on, dont keep it where its humid, dont over water it. Your plant must be in a constant state of dehydration, obviously dont not water it, it would just die, im saying keep it wanting more, reduce you the amount you give it and how often its watered. Next, apply dust, lots and lots of it, and often, up to three times a day. Dust from your house works fine, i find it has a good mixture if little things in it, which may or may not be beneficial to this method. Even fine, dry sand sand works... Cover your plants in the stuff, both sides of the leaves, the growth tip, the stem and the top soil of your pot... Your plant is going to try and keep all its moisture inside, not wanting that dry dust to suck it all out of the leaves, so, it turns to its genetics for help, its natural defence mechanism to moisture loss is............ Bigger, better, stronger, and more THC glands. Et voila, some killer bud. Im not sure if there are any really bad side effects of using the dust, other than a not very healthy looking plant, and they usually turn out rather stunted, giving a smaller crop. But the end result is actually surprising, the quality and strength does blow minds, the plants ive grown, and seen other people grown like this have all been prize winners, plants that seem to be touched by god, truly blessed bud... Well, just woke up this morning and felt like writing this, sorry its rather long, got carried away... Any how, good luck with the dust, it really is an amazing thing... PEACE
i pretty much had the same kind of instance my first grow to make a long short, i had 12 unknown plants going and had em going in veg for bout a month then a family crisis arouse well lets just say they werent in the optimal containers for going hrs let alone days without being watered or maintained{all bag seed}. Well i came home 1.5 days later to find bout 6-7 hangin by a thread i babied em for a couple days and ended up getting 3 to survive well all three even after being stressed were ladies this was indoors though! I think the drought made me pick the best ones for a first time grower, if i had say 7 fems to choose from if they all would of made it as planned bet i wouldnt have picked the good ones! strong resitant plants not to mention they were all three very very nice product for bag seed just care and love makes a world of difference and im all about experimenting even if it hurts your harvest if everyone would try somthin new then we would know so much more and learn a hell of alot more, dont forget one day you might just make yourself have a mighty harvest just have to take chances calculated/mmmmhhh and some not so much lol! Dont be greedy be like this man experiment one day its probably gonna pay off and make all the disasters worth it!!!!!!!!!!!! good idea keep it up man.
rather come at my plant with more care and foliar instead though sometimes stressed plants are more potent.
Very interesting! But doesn't the dust stick to the trichomes and then you end up smoking it? It's bad enough to inhale dust, but burning dust? I would think this is not good for you. Or do you do the dust thing only during veg? I have noticed with plants in general that they tend to get used to the conditons. If you under-water them and even let them wilt sometimes they become better able to tolerate drought-like conditions. Or, they die. I'm only on my 2nd grow and can only grow one plant at a time so I can't take any chances.
Never heard of this before, but people compost dust and dryer lint all the time and ends up in the soil.
i like your idea of keeping the plant wanting more. the dust however is not something i personally agree with but i havent tried it for myself so i cant knock the idea!
Ummm... I think it'd be a great way to get spider mites or some other shit... I'm gonna pass on this "trick"... -Loki
What makes you think that Dust was the biggest contributing factor to this plant's growth? I think you need to be reacquainted with the scientific method, more specifically step 4. 1. Use your experience: Consider the problem and try to make sense of it. Look for previous explanations. If this is a new problem to you, then move to step 2. 2. Form a conjecture: When nothing else is yet known, try to state an explanation, to someone else, or to your notebook. 3. Deduce a prediction from that explanation: If you assume 2 is true, what consequences follow? 4. Test: Look for the opposite of each consequence in order to disprove 2. It is a logical error to seek 3 directly as proof of 2. This error is called affirming the consequent.
for all the collective $, care and love we dish out i would like to suggest someone preform a controlled experiment with photographic & yield documentation of a couple control, and a couple test subjects from a common genetic 'mother'. I like the idea of stress--->potency/predator deterrent--> selective reproduction viewpoint. But, someone here has the ability to try this in a controlled way.
i believe stressors are good to a point but dust isnt the best way to go about it. Ive had many ppl tell me to go over my plants with a water bottle sprayer to "clean" them once a week. Having dust on it just makes it get less light! not a good stressor. just my 2 cents though
wow... mixed response... which is cool... for all its pros and cons, i still use this method. So don’t criticise too harshly if you've never tried it... dust will do amazing things, not to say that water light nutes love care and a gentle touch don’t do the trick. basically what I’m saying is; if you have been growing for some time, and understand the ways plants live and grow, why the hell not experiment?? Push your plants, encourage and hamper their growth, twist and maim them, pamper and spoil them, whatever works for you. but the dust works for sure... maybe you’ll find it does block out too much light for your liking, maybe it is bad for your lungs, who knows, I’m not a scientist, i just grow herb and live happily and simply, no worries and less violence... Stress makes you stronger, and thats my 2 cents... peace
Before anyone starts experimenting... maybe go into the forum and search on "spider mites"... if that sounds like fun, by all means, dust away... -Loki
not all dust contains mite eggs, just nuke your dust first if you're worried. this is a free world, if people want to experiment they should. and your poor little plant cant handle it, plant a new one... its not like marijuana seeds are in short supply... but to be fare; if you only have one plant, and your growing methods work for you, awesome, stick to it... but if you, like myself, have more time and space, and have many plants in many different areas and stages of growth, why not experiment. its like saying i wont fim and top because its counter productive... damn, how did this become an argument, i thought people on here were relaxed NICE stoners who wish to share opinions happily...
wow, i feel so much better now that i know its not an argument... yes, it is a good concept; and everything is always about execution, so it comes down to personal opinion. you do it if you thinks its worth it, and you learn from the reult...
I'm glad you feel better... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings... How about you show us some pics of these dusty wonder buds??? -Loki
thats so funny, i want one of those... mmhm great idea... i will at some point, when i actually manage to get some pis...