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Durban poison chocolate

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by MisEnPlace, Feb 10, 2024.

  1. 40g decarbed Durban poison infused at 140F for 4 days in 880g coco butter… recovered 805g and made into white chocolate…tastes like you would expect so I added raspberry and mint flavoring and green tint so I could identify it… my other white chocolate is made from distillate…
    Last spring before I knew how to properly make and temper chocolate I infused 2 ounces biscotti strain into 1200g cocoa butter and made a dark chocolate… FYI… I only use allulose for sweetener…I forgot about this chocolate (7 pounds) because it didn’t temper properly…the other day I made a 100 g bar that’s proper chocolate, snaps and shiny… but I tried one 15g piece to see what cocoa butter infused would do…
    Took 2 hours to begin to “work” and it was awesome and great for burning crap out of the brain…I suspect the Durban will be a good pain relief and activity enhancing… started my weed interest over 50 years ago and now it’s becoming very interesting…
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  2. a video would be grand?
  3. I have not done that yet…however I have ideas so folks could make their own medicinal chocolate…

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