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Dumpster Weed! ... OH MY GOD

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PeacefulStoner, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Anyone ever heard of a strain called Dumpster? I live in Ohio and my brother gets some really good dank. And yesterday i bought some bud off him called Dumpster. He said it was really dank and today i grinded some of it up and smoked one bowl and im soo much higher than ive ever been. Shit looks amazing, almost pure white, crazy red hairs. Smells soo strong. I looked around on the internet about it and not that many people have had or heard of it. Ever heard of this? If you havent tried it, try to get some its soo good. :smoke:
  2. I've personally never heard it. Your dealer is probably just tryin to give it a name, but hey if its good who cares what its called. Stay lifted man :smoke:
  3. #3 JackGrow, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    My personal favorite is Blue Ape Thunder Cock Kush.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. that shits fire i bet :devious:
  5. some twat who used to go to school with me tried selling one of my stupid mates some "tootie fruity".
    Sometimes dealers make up names to better advertise their bud. Personally I've never heard of dumpster but I'm noty expert.
  6. lolol

  7. Hows it taste?
  8. Dumpster sounds like something youd call the most schwagety schwag, but if it smokes good who cares what its call:smoking:
  9. LOL that's exaxtly what I was expecting coming into this thread. I thought I was going to be looking at some nasty ass weed with flakes of shit and termites in it hahaha
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Ive seen it a couple times in the stash jar thread catagory. Nice looking bud. Id love to try.
  11. take a picture or else your bs

  12. I spent some time in the burgh and I saw that strain 5-6 times... looked exactly the same every time... OP I've smoked it a bunch of times probably over a quap of it in the summer, I loved it at first but got sick of it after a while.
  13. Ive heard of Trash Plant, a combination of Trainwreck and Hash (a strain of weed apparently, obviously not hashish.). Although i would guess he named it after dumpster babies.
  14. Like Semen....


  15. Uhhh... :hide:
  16. Why would anyone name their weed after a garbage disposal unit?

  17. To mind fuck.

    You think its going to be shitty weed but then BAM, you see a fucking glorious thc covered bud.
  18. I thought you found weed in a dumpster. Fuck.

  19. Haha thats the first thing i thought too.
  20. Wow, people are haters, I have in fact heard of Dumpster, its an Ohio native strain, somebody apparently found a flame ass mother plant flowering in a dumpster


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