Dumbest thing you ever got in trouble for

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Shaggy666, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. A few stories:

    In second grade me and my friend were trying to be gangster and put gold foil gum wrappers in our mouths and pretended to have grills. Some bitch teacher who wasn't even my teacher made me walk around the outside of the playground for all of recess.

    In fourth grade I was out of school and my little sister was still in school, (Her school was an all year round schedule where you had to be put in a lottery to go, and she got in and I didn't) so my mom took me to go eat lunch with her. In the cafeteria, the stage is in there too, I was sitting on the steps to the stage and the same bitch from the story above, was now at my sister's school and started yelling at me for sitting there when I wasn't supposed too. Me being the little black kid I was, get smart with her ass and tell her I don't go here. She tries to take me to the office, and my mom who was in line with my sister and saw the whole thing, comes over and tells her to get off me.

    In fifth grade, my best friend at the time and I got into a fight. I kid you not it went exactly like this. He got mad over who knows what and pushes me, I push him back. He punches me, I punch him back, he punches me, I punch him back. Then some over dramatic teacher comes screaming "They are gonna kill each other" She takes us to the principals office, and she has us guess the number she's thinking of and he gets it closer than me and gets to go first. He makes up a bunch off bullshit lies saying I stole his hat and other bullshit. I tell the truth, and I lose my recess for 5 days and he loses it for 2.

    Another time, I was watching TV in the living room, and only me and my little sister were home. She comes down there and starts watching with me. I let out this long ass fart, she says eww, and I tell her to quit being a little girl, she says something along the lines of little girl my ass (except she was 11 and didn't cuss) and smacks me with the remote and claws me in the chest (I still have the scar) I punch her in the stomach to get her off me and she has a meltdown and runs into her room rolling on the ground crying. She calls my mom, she comes home immediately and I get my ass handed too me, even though I show her my bleeding chest, she doesn't wanna hear it.

  2. How does this work?

    Anyways my two:

    First one was in grade 6, last week of school and we decide to buy fart bombs to go throw them in peoples windows etc. First a kid puts one in a vent in a hallway after school stinks like shit and we get away with it. Next day someone put one in the kid nobody likes bag, then we go for recess. When we got back the whole 3rd floor STANK. Anyways one kid snitched and the kid who got snitched on felt that if he got caught all of us had to too. I had the most which was around 6 and the teachers thought I was the mastermind behind it all -.- gave me a lecture saying that they thought a pipe was broken in the hallways and if they were about to call someone in and my parents would have had to pay the bill.

    These are fart bombs btw

    Second one happened on the first day of 8th grade I had a fuck ton of sprite bombs, all they do is make a little cracking sound when you throw them on the floor well the container to break them out of was kinda harder so instead I broke them out the previous night and threw them into an empty pill capsule. I had that pill capsule in my pocket and as I was running all of them blew up. Needless to say the principal who was on the other side of the field just starts walking towards me and I just have to stand there. He wasn't much of a bitch (But what can you expect from canada eh?) But he just gave me the talk and how he couldve expelled me for having explosives lol.

    These are sprite bombs
  3. Breaking in a house and calling the police in an attempt to get away from a bunch of heavily armed drunk people. I never want to be 16 again. :eek:
  4. Being a atheist at school.
  5. Wearing a religious shirt that promoted god when I was in elementary school. Really had an effect on me because I thought almost everyone was a christian at the time.

    Also recently in highschool we have beanbags in the library and I jumped on one and I guess the librarian saw me and said that I could 'break' them, which is total bullshit. I got ISS for that.
  6. [quote name='"69 others"']Wearing a religious shirt that promoted god when I was in elementary school. Really had an effect on me because I thought almost everyone was a christian at the time.

    Also recently in highschool we have beanbags in the library and I jumped on one and I guess the librarian saw me and said that I could 'break' them, which is total bullshit. I got ISS for that.[/quote]

    What was on the shirt?
  7. #67 JustHereToRead, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2012
    A long time ago, I was a very bored and angry teenager. I got in heavy trouble once for coming to school high as a plane, and another time for getting my group of bored, angry teenager friends together, chain-smoking in the back of the bus and screaming Led Zeppelin lyrics. The bus driver couldn't pull over, all the other kids were shouting at us and choking on the smoke. We thought we were the baddest kids in town, it was so funny. I was suspended for two weeks and wasn't allowed to ride the bus anymore. I got off easy, I could have been arrested for smoking/smoking on the bus. Ahh, small town justice.
  8. Farting so loud I woke someone up on another floor of my house. I was sent to my room -_-
  9. second grade, i drew a picture of james bond which i thought was extremely detailed and well done. it fell out of my folder and the next day the teacher called me out in front of the class. she said that she shouldve reported me for drawing a gun at school AND the fucking thought the zipper flap on his pants was his dick and refused to believe otherwise. ended up calling my parents and i was grounded for the first time. :(
  10. My sophomore year of HS in Spanish 1 I had this kinda weird young girl who I think was bullied alot in HS so she absolutely hated anything anywhere near making fun of anyone else.

    Anyways, there was this douche that was a year older than me and most the class was kids my age and EVERYDAY he wore this gray cutoff t shirt under his shirt and you could see it sticking out everyday and for some reason he sat at our lunch table and we ripped on him everyday.
    One day, there was a sign up sheet for some stupid spanishy shirt that the teacher was ordering, and this one kid put down the douche's name and for the size he wrote "gray cutoff" (dumb I know, but was hilarious at the time) and the teacher saw it and called me and my friend Steve out into the hallway because she thought we did it.

    She had a referral in each hand as we were telling her that we didn't do it. She was holding my referral out to me but I just never took it (didn't realize it) and my friend Steve took his and handed it right back to her haha so we didn't get in trouble and it was a hilarious day
  11. When I was in sixth grade me and my friends would chill out in the bathroom to kill time and we started throwing wet paper towels at the walls and occasionally at a person that was in the stall. One day it was hot so my buddy opened the window, leaned out, and realized that one of our teachers cars was parked right below the window. This teacher was a fucking cunt she would get mad at everything guys did and would always be nice to the girls. Being the stupid kids that we were we started whipping wet paper towels at the car. I used a fuckload of paper towels for one and the splat that it made when it hit her car was sooooooo funny.

    The rest of the day we kept showing our friends what we did and they helped throw more. The next day we get into school and our whole grade is brought together for a meeting. They bitched at everyone and said whoever did it needs to come forward. Needless to say we didn't but my group of friends all got called down to the office one by one (small class only 70 ppl) and were fucking interrogated and they just made stupid threats. We got away with it but after that everyone had to sign a log when they went to the bathroom including recording the time they left and came back.
  12. In 6th grade this fat kid nailed me in the head with a rock, I was bleeding everywere. I got suspended for 3 days cause fatty said I "kicked" a rock at him. Lol teachers are fucking dumb
  13. As a young child, I was home alone with a friend (maybe 10 - 11 years old), and we let my family's baby ducks and geese run around, outside of their heating box... inside the house. For two hours.

    There was... poo....... EVERYWHERE!!! :eek: :p I was a pretty good kid, so that's about the extent of my self-inflicted troubled youth. :)
  14. Haha these are halarious. I got a couple.

    In 5th grade i got accussed of calling this girl perky at recess. Haha i never said shit to the girl i think she wanted attention.

    In 6th grade i got a detention for throwing a pencil at the back of my buddies head. Ended up turning at the last second and it hit him between the eyes.

    In tenth grade i got in trouble because another boy touched my friends dick at a party when he was drunk. I had togo to counseling because they thought i was an athlete. All my friends played lax except me and they threw in with them.

    Looking back i should have got in a lit more troubke
  15. Just remembered another from 4th grade I think.
    We were playing football at recess and my friend got an elbow to the nose while getting tackled super hard by this hugeass 5th grader and my friend's nose started bleeding and a teacher saw so everyone playing football had to sit on the curb for like a half hour :/
  16. i'll be back later
  17. In my 7th or 8th grade year I swiped this Popsicle stick bridge off of the table in "intro to tech and engineering" well it shattered a little bit and suddenly m teacher comes bursting out of the door from the room that held all the supplies and yells "you disrespectful thief! I've finally caught you." I go "what?" and he continues to scold me saying that there are a few dozen bridges that were broken from the class and insists I am responsible for all of them. Next mr Bruno(vice principal from boston) starts foaming at the mouth and spitting telling me I'm a criminal. So then I had to sit in the office for 4 weeks during that class period an glue these damn things together, then the day before Christmas break I had to vaccume their offices and the library which was pretty damn funny because he was like "give me vaccume you aren't doing this correctly!" an he starts violently shove the vaccume back and forth.
  18. i was in middle school and spring break just ended. my previously flat chested Spanish teacher walked in with the biggest tits i have ever seen till this dare. i said damn and got put on porch(they make you turn your shirt inside out sit on a crate and you cant talk to anybody)

    same school before that happened me and my class were in gym playing dodgeball in the parking lot and i slipped on gravel screamed fuck as i went down and i got put on porch

    elementary school i used to always rush through my assignments to read(nerd right) miss bitch ass carter aint like that and i got sent to the office.

    so many more i cant think of right now

  19. hahahahahahahah that is fucking hilarious
  20. Getting busted in the back of vons, gettin high from whoop cream cans, cops came and everything hahaha ... long time ago... stupid

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