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Dumbest Thing You Did As A Newbie Toker?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dont Be Sketch, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. What's the dumbest thing you ever did as a newbie?

    I'll start it off. I was as newbie as they came when I first started toking. It was my first year in a new town (I use to move around a lot, my mom's a really good elementary teacher that was constantly getting offered better jobs every year until we finally found a place to stay for good). Fortunately, I make friends very easily and had recently been introduced to MJ (thank god!).

    I think it was one of my first bags I actually bought back in 7th grade and I thought it'd be cool to have my own pipe, so I made one out of an empty minature axe shampoo bottle, the ones with the weird shape. I found out the hard way how stupid that was when I whipped it out at a highschool party and asked if anyone wanted to match.
  2. Believe it or not, when I first tried to smoke weed I wasn't sucking in at all. For some reason I just held the lighter to the weed until it torched. The second dumbest thing I did when I was new to smoking was accidentally dropping Half an OZ of weed on my floor the day after I bought it (I ofc picked it up)
  3. Haha dude my friend that just started smoking a couple days ago did something like that! It was his first time hitting a bong with a carb, (he used my mini-bong with a slide his first time) and he just held the lighter up to it and started to suck and the flame just stayed there. Me and my other friend were stumped for like 15 seconds (we were so blitzed we forgot he just started toking) and we thought he just had the lung capacity of a 2 year old or something lmao. Then we saw he wasn't holding the carb :eek:
  4. For the first 6 months or so I smoked, I always had water, After each hit, I would have to take a mad drink of water and let it hang in my throat.
  5. started smoking cigarettes...
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  6. i just think i was really naive about burn cruising...did it all the time, no biggie....not smart folks. mary is a stinky woman.
  7. When I hit my first bong, I kept inhaling until the smoke reached my lungs, then tried to clear the chamber.

    I had never coughed that hard in my life.
  8. I dropped a bowl full of bud in my friend's garden^^ but thats about it.
  9. Probably the one time I spilled a bowl. Actually, the very first hit I took, I don't think I even breathed in. Although that was mostly cause I was sort of pressured into it and I was kind of scared, so I wasn't exactly trying.
  10. Once saw a right bumbaclart try to snort some powdered hash.
  11. smoke weed in the first place....

    now that im not a noob, i dont think i smoked enough
  12. lol, the first few times i toked i made a bunch of mistakes.the first being not knowing how to inhale, and thinking the weed had to actually catch on fire before i started inhaling. lol i kept wondering why i wasnt actually getting any smoke. After that my next mistake was taking too big of a hit and coughing into the pipe and a nearly full bowl of burning weed flew out and burned my eyelashes and a few holes in my pants. And if thats not bad enough, it happened twice... lol and one time i tried to take a huge rip off a definately cashed bowl and inhaled the burning ash and nearly puked, hahha
  13. I always do stupid shit when I'm lit...first time or not it is always tons of fun.
  14. Smoking in school. lesson learned: dont bring pipes on campus..... only spliffs
  15. I think I capped a niggga once, nbd.

  16. Dude, you nailed that right on the spot, I just got back a week ago from being suspended for 2 weeks for getting caught with an incredibowl m420. Shit's not worth the risk, although the way I got caught was completely bullshit. It also fucked up my whole basketball season too because now I can't play for the rest of the season (I'm the star player on JV and 6th man on varsity). I also run cross country (got 26th in state out of like 150 people) and I wrestle (qualified for state but did shitty because I had to cut 7 LBS starting 2 days before). Looking forward to my next 3 years though, I plan on taking state in both cross country and wrestling, but aiming towards getting a basketball scholarship to a nice school. Just sucks having to quit during season though :smoke:
  17. Also could someone please move this back to the seasoned tokers section please. I meant for this thread to be for seasoned tokers to share there dumbest newbie toker moments back in the day, kind of ruins the point if it's in apprentice tokers section :( no matter what happens though :gc_rocks:
  18. i remmeber i got ripped $40 tryin to buy 4g of weed when i was younger.

    now im lookin back and thinkin whoo the fuck buys 4 grams of weed? thats an odd number man
  19. the first time i ever smoked i had one gram dime bag. I really wanted to conserve so i could smoke a couple times. So i went into the smoke shop and i had now idea what to get so i got king size papers and rolled a kingsize joint with .3 in it. lol (i feel like a dumbass looking back). I smooshed it so it might slow the burning down and it resembled paper lol. So i preceded to light it and it burnt up and dissapeared like a two second magic trick before i had time to hit it. hahahahahahahahhahaha

  20. The Seasoned Tokers section is much more strict than the apprentice tokers section, and this sort of thread has been started many many times, so I'm sure there is already a more official big thread like this. Don't take it personal.

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