whats the dumbest way you have ever lost your budds, we have all expirenced a dumbass move to where you end up dropping or loosing your weed, share your storys, id love to hear them
ive accidentally dropped a half a jay out the car window ashing it. Went and looked for it after too hahah ntohing. But whatever. Just rolled another im pretty sure. Ive also had a fair amount of chronic busted up on a cd case and accidentally knocked it onto my carpet. THAT sucks.
Only time I really have lost a bag is on the disc golf course. I thought I had put it in my disc bag, but it wasn't there. I re-walked the whole damn course, nuthin. It really pissed me off, I'm usually pretty anal about stuff like that.
me and friend smoking in a gazebo, weed was in a baggie. Its windy as fuck, so he puts his hat over it so the bag wont fall on the floor. I check to see how much we have left, and the dumbass puts the opening of the bag on the bottom, so as soon as i life it up, everything falls out /facepallm we got back 3/4 of it tho
I bought a gram of some fresh bud my friend picked up and he said it was amazing, then I burned with him, got so high and lost it. Never to be seen again.
I had just moved here and was living with my grandparents. I had no connections yet and only had a joint left to my name. Well, I was in the bathroom rolling it on the sink counter when I suddenly dropped the paper with the weed in it. I don't know how or why I did this, but it happened. Anyway, the paper turned downward as it headed for the floor and spilled every bit of weed into the toilet on it's way down. The paper hit the carpet perfectly intact. That fucking sucked.
I've smoked a lot of weed, but never lost my budz. Or maybe i just dont remember it happening Quite possible.
if i lose it i can't smoke it so that don't work, when i'm payin money for this shit i smoke every gram i buy
Went golfing with some friends and brought a blunt and some extra weed and shells. We finished the first blunt and a couple holes later we decided we wanted to smoke another. We stop in the fairway, take the scorecard and break up the bud on it to roll. The only person that could break the shell with their hands was the guy with the weed, so he was splitting the shell when a gust of wind swept up the card and blew the weed all over the fairway. Never even bothered to look for any, luckily we had enough for another. Another time I accidentally left a nug or two out on the coffee table before I went to class and by the time I came back somebody had smoked it.