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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SmokeSquad, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. One of my friends recently got a dugout and keeps saying that they are way better than having a bowl cause you save a lot of weed. and you still get as high off much less bud. Is this true? Is a dugout a good investment?
  2. i just got one for stealth toking and it saves me bud. but your still gonna get higher if you smoke a bowl rather than smoke one hit outta there..but if you smoked a bowls worth outta it you'd get just as high. but a couple hits outta there and youll be feelin ok not blazed but buzzed

    hope that made sense im really baked
  3. I bought a dugout about 2 weeks ago and my bowl/ bub sits on my desk.

    I find I put pinches in to get me to where I need to be, I could do that with my other pieces but I feel like the cig hitter hits me harder for some reason saving me bud.

    I think it's a great investment, I've been toking in places I never would before. When my buddies step out for a cig break I'm right there packing the cig in the dugout and blazing up haha.
  4. Its a fantastic investment. If your smoking dank you take like 2-3 hits and your feeling good. I use mine everyday.
  5. I like it for stealth and because I get a fresh green hit every time.
    Get a glass bat though. the metal ones seem harsh to me.
  6. love mine, used it almost religiously for a while. Great for on the go.
  7. thank you guys for the input. on average, how much do they go for?

  8. Between 15-30 I've seen.

  9. hope your not talking about a cig one hitter, they go for like 3 bucks haha

    but yeah glass hitters will be like 10-30

    i got both, love em:hello::hello:

  10. talking about with the dugout included...
  11. oh true i got mine for 10
  12. I have a dugout and one hitter, but the dugouts don't mask the scent, so I don't put weed in it.

    Uh, I'm kinda new to smoking. Well not really that, but I'm new to buying weed and smoking it myself. I used to always just smoke friends weed out of friends pipes/bongs/etc. Anyways, It's a decent thing to smoke out of, me and my friend both have one hitters and just smoke with them and exhale through a sploof in his bathroom with the fan on. It's alright. You can definitely save weed, and you get fresh hits most of the time.

    -It can get hot.
    -No carb
    -Scooby Snacks (pieces of weed in your mouth) sometimes
    -Harsh, since there's no filter or anything.

    But you can make a screen if you take a little bread twist (thing that closes bread bags) and burn the paper off of it, roll it into a ball, and put it inside the mouth end of it.

    Also, where do you guys smoke your one hitters? I have one that looks like half of a cig and I don't have the balls to just walk outside and smoke it. Probably because of the smell, the way I light and inhale at the same time, and then cough lol.
  13. You don't get more high off less bud, but they are cool and convenient for toking in public or out in the open.

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