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dugouts and ash..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by aaronxlv, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Hey, well I finally gave in and got a dugout. It's pretty sick, only problem is every hit is fucking ash. I tried to suck slower but it didn't help.

    The hole is way too small to put a filter there. anyone else experience this problem?
  2. put a bigger nug in there
  3. I tried doing that, still results in major ash. and i only have one nug left, the rest of my weed is grinded up.
  4. take smaller hits.. dont burn all the weed.. barely let the flame hit the weed only enought so u get a hit
  5. i used to have that problem.....till some resin built up....after that it was fine...just never clean it haha
  6. Like someone above me said - I'd just let some resin build up in it...

    If that doesn't work - perhaps checking out a new bat?

    Or perhaps try putting something between the mouthpiece and your mouth... thin piece of cloth/tissue that would let smoke through, but not ash? (kind of defeats the ease of the dugout... but hey - sometimes ya' gotta' do what you gotta' do.)
  7. One of these!

    Very discreet!


    Or, just wait for resin to build up.
  8. thanks for the input guys, but it might take a loooong while to build up resin, and by that time I'll have a black tongue from all the ash. blehhh!
  9. its all about the size of the nug. i have a glass one hitter and i have to put a big enough piece to cover the hole. then i can add shake or whatever scraps i want after
  10. Those fake cigarettes are the shit! i bought ten of them and keep my pack filled with half cigs and half fake cigs. one or two hits every couple hours and work is awesome!
  11. thats great aha
  12. I was thinking of getting a dugout system..

    Cant though.. Where'd you get yours?
  13. Could you get a screen jammed in there?.. Maybe like DurbanPoison stick something over it or whatever.. Maybe you could shove a tiny piece of cotton down it.. Just far enough so that you could pull it out with a toothpick or something if you needed to...
    Idk, just ideas.
  14. pack a bigger bowl so you dont char the whole load immediately and it will hit green
  15. Try a metal screen filter. They're flexible so you can jam them into small pipes and even one hitters.
  16. I have/had this problem , and i just through a filter in there (mine fit for some reason). On an older bat i had we used a metal screen filter as spaceman mentioned, and if you cut the screen down to size you should easily be able to fit it in and thus solve your ash problem.:cool:

  17. The bats I used in my dugout were such a size that if I were to cut ANYTHING to fit into the bowl... it'd have to be smaller than the diameter of a pencil eraser....
  18. Yeah, as with mine, but 5 brass screens are what, a buck? and cutting em to size isnt a difficult task.
  19. It was for me. =P

    Never could get 'em to sit right...
  20. I use my cig bat all the time and just pack a nub tightly in there, suck slowly, keep the bat straight and not up in the air which some people I know try to do.

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