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Dude! Why do I always fall asleep?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by alansauce, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Whenever I smoke, I'm up for about two hours. Then as soon as I sit or lay down, I just crash and don't wake up until the next day.
    It's a complete waste of bud.
    Why does this happen?
    Does it happen to you?
    How can I prevent it?

    I can even drink a cup of coffee right before I sit down, but I still fall asleep.

    Any suggestions?
    It sucks.
  2. #2 Jdahms, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    haha this happens to me sometimes about 2 or 3 hours after I blaze I crash really hard. I either take a shower to wake right back up, smoke a cig, drive somewhere, or just take a nap for 30 minutes and wake up feeling amazing.

    I"ve smoked daily for years, Its just something about some strains make me pass out. Some buds just leave me feeling completely drained after an hour or two.
  3. It's not a waste of bud if your trying to fall asleep :cool:
  4. Ahahah that reminds me of the popemobile driver in family guy who gets knocked out even by the slightest tap lol. Shit Couldnt find the vid of it on youtube.

    But seriously this is a pretty common side effect of smoking especially if you are fairly new to it or dont burn too often. You may just have it worse than most people do.

    The only thing I can think of suggesting is just smoking more and raising your tolerance a bit. I used to burn out pretty bad but over the past 2 years or so I really dont feel any negative effects coming off weed.... unless Ive been blazin nonstop all day.
  5. When I first started smoking I was "that guy", the one who would get really stoned, laugh like crazy and pass out. Tolerance man, tolerance.
  6. Haha this happens to me on occasion. After a couple hours and the initial buzz has worn out, If I kick back on my bed or a sofa i'll often drift off into a nap. Tbh I don't mind it too much and consider it a bonus, a few of my favourite things to do are smoking weed, eating and sleeping. Mix them all together and you got a nice session :p
  7. Drink some red bull or moster
  8. Go buy a 5 hour energy from the liquor store drink half of it right before you smoke you'll be stoned off your ass but you won't lay down and you'll actually have a good amount of energy to talk to everybody with. Trust me me and some friends got stoned yesterday and i drank half of one they all fell asleep and i ended up watching a movie before everyone woke up.
    If worse comes to worse drink half of it an hour in if your body is anything like mine used to be you should be able to stay up and the good thing about 5 hour energy is once you're done doing whatever it is your doing while high when its time to fall asleep you'll be ready to pass out no problem.
  9. Maybe you always fall asleep because you're tired.
  10. I get tired sometimes, but never fall asleep. The "burnout" as some call it is basically when you're coming down from your high and your body is adjusting as your heart rate goes down.
  11. I would kill for this side effect. I only ever crash hard if I've been blazing all day. Fucking insomnia not responding to pot anymore....
  12. I do that every night about 2 hours before I go to sleep.
  13. Don't sit or stand. Doubt you'll fall asleep standing up, if you do though. Well then more power to you.
  14. Improperly flushed/dried/cured weed can lead to this.
  15. I have the exact opposite problem. I can lay there with my eyes closed until my high wears off (which is still pretty awesome) and not fall asleep. I guess different peoples physiologies react differently to THC.
  16. This happenes to me if im real relaxed, and the weed is either mids, or some heavy indica.
  17. get a sativa. bam
  18. Stop smokin' schwag
  19. I used to do this one I first started and began to only buy headies.

    Smoke for a couple more months and tolerance will break it, it won't happen forever. You also have to keep yourself busy, if youre laying in your bed or big comfy couch watching a tv show thats boring, you'll just peace out. Video games keep you more in the zone...and good movies.
  20. I get tired a lot, but only fall asleep if I really want. What does help for me is smoking some more:hello:

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