Dude Do I Know You?

Discussion in 'General' started by Deleted member 102856, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. Do you ever get that feeling like you're looking at someone for the first time? I get that sometimes. And I like it. It feels kinda like a mini revelation. Or just like…I'm seeing more of the big picture and things aren't so hazy. It's easier when it happens with people you just see a lot, not really pay attention to, then don't see for some time, and then see again in a new light. Not always a good light though.

    Okay so a little while ago I saw the facebook profile page of a “friend” of mine. I haven't seen her in almost a year. And although I didn't just see her in real life, looking at her profile made me feel like I was looking at a different person (and she didn't physically change that much). Honestly, I just thought about how strange she actually is, in like an annoying, whiny, and not-realizing-that-you're-socially-awkward kinda way. And how she would smile with her mouth closed, which made her eyes really huge…and it didn't make sense because she looked so much more normal/better with her teeth showing in a smile. If I were her I'd want someone to tell that to me. This isn't meant to sound mean, it's just kinda like I got a second first-impression of her. Second first-impressions may not necessarily be more accurate than first-impressions. But I think they're pretty damn accurate. It's cool when it's a good second first-impression.
    Like once this guy I had known for a while, but not very well, stood in front of the class and gave a speech. Since all my attention was focused on him, I felt like I was seeing him for the first time. In a good way. He was genuinely goodlooking, and I always knew that, but I never realized just HOW goodlooking. It was like…wait, I've had classes with this kid all this time? And I'm just noticing…

    It's also strange because the way that I think/feel about a particular person is always going to be different from someone else's viewpoint of them, and vice versa. More so if there are personal experiences with the person, which could be something so small, like…the person thanking me for lending them a pencil, but it was ME that was thanked, and not YOU, so something that small could give us different viewpoints about the person.

    OK Done Bye.
  2. lol....

    More of.. I think I know somebody... But then I realize they're douches and not to be trusted?

    Or like... When I was trippin balls on shrooms and every room (I lived in a dorm) I walked into had about 3-5 kids, each giving off a different aura and a certain "group" aura...
    Found out a lot about each kid just by walking in and seeing their physical and mental reactions...

    Yea, you're st0ned.
  3. Was at the bar last night, my cousin was trying to get my attention from another table, i looked up, looked him square in the eye, and did not recognize him.
  4. lol what?
  5. It happens. I hang out with people, then I'll realize they're wierd tendancies. Sometimes first impressions arent everything, rather the ongoing impression you leave.

    Think about it this way, how would each and every person you know, each in a different way, remember you if you died today.

    A lot of people would look bad upon me, yet many would hold high regards for me.

    Welcome to life and the human interaction =).

    Oh by the way, you are stunning mami, if you ever find yourself in the lost tundra of upper michigan, let me know ;)

  6. yeah i get that feeling all the time lol
  7. okay but like how would you know what each and every person you know think about you? you only have your own view on yourself (hopefully you're not ignorant and its accurate)
    and yeah the ongoing impressions are important too
    but its just so easy to judge someone. like judging someone who's shy as being boring or someone who's loud as being obnoxious.

  8. It goes far deepr than that, IMO. I seldom judge people based in first impressions. I never underestimate another man regardless of size and if a man underestimates me I am already one step ahead.

    Life is too short to place stereotypes on others and judge others by first impressions. Some of my best friends have been people I really did not like at first. Of course
    I'm old and have seen the ups & downs of friendships, experienced first hand betrayal of trusted friends, and can honestly say I have one true friend I have known since Jr. high and this is the only person I trust other than myself.

    I view all people the same, as a human being. Many times we stereotype out of wishing we could be more like a person, or maybe at one point we were just like that person and just don't want anyone to know.

    When you walk the streets of hell, you realize one thing; it sucks. You then become spiritual b/c you realize all these years you been following a religion that wants to keep you from hell, but now that you have already been there, you realize yuou just do not want to go back. You see KARMA is a bad muther and when you stereotype and judge others, you are sure to be stereotyped and judged even more severely later on in life.

    We are all human beings with unique traits and forms of belief, it is not strange, different, or wrong....it is not to be made fun of or put down....poor people are just like you, only they can't afford what you can, rich people are just like you, other than they can afford more than you...where do you fit in, who wins the race at the end....I do, b/c I'm a member of the human race.

  9. ahh how cute, someone has a kindergarten crush.:rolleyes:
  10. sounds like you're just getting more mature and realizing old h.s. bullshit politics and clique stereotypes are fading

    i know the feeling, though, don't get it as often anymore, but for the first couple years out of h.s. it stares you in the face every once in a while
  11. yea every single word is truth imo i feel ya 100%


    i love weed :D
  12. I often look at faces and feel like I knew them from a diffrent life.

    Or meet people and get a vibe off of em' like I knew em' before.

    I look at your GC pic and feel like I could have knew you from high school.

    Sorry if this has nothing to do wit what your talking about Im just high as hell.

  13. i like what you said, lessismore.
    yeah i've formed close friendships with people i've really not liked at first too.

    just have to keep an open mind i guess.
  14. The first time I met the guitarist of my band, he was playing acoustic guitar outside with his shirt off. I was practicing with a friend, and he tried to make us play his song even though we told him that we had to prepare for a class. Needless to say, I didn't get a very good impression of him. Over a year or two, I realized that he wasn't a douchebag and was pretty chill; our school (which he doesn't go to anymore) just brought out the worst in him.
  15. That was incredibly deep. I definitely understand where you're coming from jasmine, its more of like a deja vu feeling or a moment of clarity, I've experienced that many times over..

  16. yeah usually it's the first impression douchebags that turn out to be chill. have met many of those.

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