Hello All, This is an idea I came up with today out of pure boredom. The design utilizes two carbon scrubbers so that the air from the grow room is in contact with the carbon longer before exiting the system. This is going to be a cheap project, with DIY scrubbers and axial fans (133 cfm per fan for $13/fan). Do you forsee any problems?
sounds good, the only thing i would have to say is on the second scrubber you would have to build an air tight box around it so the air would actually go thru the carbon what would be eaisier would be to just leave one filter in your room just circulating air, and the other to vent exaust
no, the filter in the room just circulating the air the same an oscilating fan, it just circulates the air, it just filters the air b4 you you exaust and then the exaust filters it again
Ok so here in my extra crude drawing, in the left upper corner, the scrubber is just sitting there, lets say, pre-filtering the air. In return the room vent filter has less work to do. Like having one of this plug in air fresheners, just this is a carbon scrubber haha.