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DT question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by littlefoot, May 28, 2009.

  1. Hey guys, ive got a test coming up on monday and the last time i smoked was last thursday, right now ive got a couple G's and i really wanna smoke a bit tonight. Ive been drinking like crazy and passed a home test i bought yesterday. The test ive got coming up is for the rehab program i have to complete for probation, i dont know much about it, and i dont know if its really a big deal if i fail it, i havnt had any other tests for probation. thanks for any advice:)
  2. if you smoke today you are guaranteed to fail on Monday, also keep in mind probation tests are lab tests, so they are more sensitive, so just cuz you passed this one doesn't mean you will pass theirs, so dont stop drinking water! you should just sell those last few grams to a friend its hard not to smoke with weed around. oh and it is probably bad if you fail the test.
  3. just wait till after the test
  4. you can't wait 4 days! common man. just rough it out, it'l be worth it in the end. you're home free with the test, don't fuck it up!
  5. lol, just wait. It will be so much more rewarding after the test on monday. If you smoke today, after the high is gone, you will just feel like an idiot.
  6. Yea seriously. That's pretty sad if your willing to fuck it up instead of waiting 4 days.
  7. yea i thought about it and im just gonna wait, thanks for the feedback, not being able to smoke's a bitch:(

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