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DT next week! Help deciphering pre urinalysis + GC/MS

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ballofmeat94, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. Hi all. I'm hoping anyone out there can help me out with something. More or less to ease my mind. Warning, I may babble and this could end up being a long post, but I sincerely appreciate any help or advice from anyone if they take the time to read through this.

    So, I am starting a new job in a couple weeks, and have to complete a pre employment drug screening beforehand. The job itself and what it's allowing me to do in life, personally, is life changing. For the last 3-4 years I've smoked bud but within the last year started smoking more for a few various reasons. Would go to work, do whatever else I may have going on, and would come home and smoke a couple bowls at night. Would go through 3.5-7 grams in a week or so. Depended how much I felt like picking up. In the last year, I leaned more toward 7 grams and would go through that in 7-10 days. For reference, I'm 5'7", weigh 174, 28 yrs old. Not sure about how fast of a metabolism I have. I always felt I had a terrible one for some reason.

    Early March, was offered a new job and thought nothing would be an issue. Smoked for a couple weeks into the month until I got and email saying I'd need to complete a pre-employment drug screen. Have never had to do one before. Soon as I got that email, stopped smoking and passed off my piece and what I had to a friend. Haven't smoked since, but, with that email I started freaking the F out.

    Last full bowl I had packed was one bowl on St Patricks Day. Had been reading online about what to do to get it out of my system... Came across the detoxes, dilution, subbing, etc. Had heard from friends beforehand those detoxes mostly don't work, so didn't investigate. Read about how dilution can be detected, so haven't really gone overboard with water. I drink at least a gallon of water each day as a normal routine for at least the last decade. I'm type 1 diabetic so I pretty much stick to water and gatorade when I have a low blood sugar. Other than that, I make green smoothies for breakfast every day.

    Was exploring subbing, knowing this is unsupervised and through Quest. Had (still have) an option lined up if need be. However, recently, I went to our family doctor and asked if he could run a urinalysis and a GC/MS on me so I can see where I'm at. After that week of abstaining completely, I started working out in the mornings before work (Insanity) and then work out after work as well (6-8 miles on a bike, then sauna). Read the best way to get the carboxy THC out of my system was by working out and sweating it out. Am also taking a multi vitamin that I've been taking since doing the Advocare diet a couple years ago.

    Last Friday when I went to see my doctor, it had been 15 days since I last smoked, so we're now at three weeks having not smoked or been around it. March 25th is when I started my morning/evening work outs and I'm done as of today, wanting at least 72 hours off so that I stop working the THC-COOH into my system that can be detected. I got my results back yesterday, and I mainly want to post them here to see if anyone thinks I'll be fine come next week. I know the cutoff for the screen is 50 ng/mL of THC-COOH and Quest will check ph levels, specific gravity, all that extra stuff. I came in well under 50 ng/mL but idk, my mind is making it out to be a fluke (even though the lab my doc sent things to was a Quest lab), hence why I'm posting on here looking for advice.

    Anyway, here's the results that came back and i just want to know if everything looks in order and that I'll be able to pass this clean on my own or if I should resort to another option...

    Carboxy acid THC (THC-COOH) - 19 ng/mL
    * This result was generated using an LC-MS; an equivalent method to GC/MS
    * GC/MS Cutoff: 5 ng/mL
    * Reference range: negative

    THC/Creatinine ratio - 36 ng/mg

    Creatinine - 52.3 mg/dL

    Color - yellow
    Clarity - sl cloudy
    Glucose - >=500
    Bilirubin - negative
    Ketones - 80 mg/dL
    Specific Gravity - 1.010 (reference range 1.001-1.035)
    Blood - negative
    pH - 6.0 (reference range 5.0-9.0)
    Protein - negative
    Urobilinogen - negative
    Nitrite - negative
    Leukocytes - negative
    Hyal. Casts - <5
    * Test result confirmed in duplicate

    So that's all the GC/MS test and urinalysis tells me. I've looked online and know that my S.G. and pH are within normal range. I figured my carboxy acid THC readout would be much higher knowing that working out makes it more prevalent in your system so I'm surprised to see it at 19 ng/mL with how much I've been working out and not really diluting (as I mentioned, all I really ever drink is water and gatorade when I have a low blood sugar, and I've been doing that since I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2000). As far as diet goes, I haven't changed anything really from my normal diet. I rarely eat red meats anymore, maybe once every couple weeks. Mornings I always make a green smoothie (good fruits with spinach and kale, always put a scoop of protein powder in it as well).

    I can't help but be a little worried. I know carboxy levels fluctuate on a day-to-day basis and you can pass one day and fail the next, and this is what I was measured at a week ago while working out as much as I have been. I just want to make sure I'm good to go as I want this job for the advancement in life I've been striving to make. If anyone is able to look at this info and just share their thoughts, I'd really appreciate it. I obviously know that this worrying could have been avoided had I just stopped when I began applying for this position because of the time frame, and I'll admit, that's a mistake I've made that I'll own up to.

    Anyway, if anyone is able to help, even just by sharing their knowledge or opinion on this matter, I'd certainly be thankful. This isn't something I'm familiar with so maybe it's just first drug test jitters. If you've made it this far in the post, I know I've typed a lot, but was just trying to be thorough with information and tried to be clear about the routine I've been going through these last three weeks. Thanks all!

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