Drying Outdoors

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Grower91, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. I've got a huge problem with my crop October - I have no place to dry it at. There will be at least 20 wet pounds of product and I have no idea how I'm going to dry it. Any ideas? I was thinking maybe dig a 10 long by 5 wide by 4 deep hole /trench and using some sort of tarp to keep out the elements while allow circulation. ANY IDEAS WELCOME thanks!
  2. im pretty sure that drying outside isnt going to work due to mildew,humidity and possibly rain but im no professional.
  3. Rain and all those things are all very good problem causers hence my attempt at mini-climate control with the hole. What I supposed a should be asking is how do I build a huge in closure? Tent maybe?

  4. All i know know is if i tried to do that here it would probly grow mold the first 2 days. It may work i may be wrong.I dont think its the same thing but i dried some plants out in a shed once but if i were you i would rather take whatever risk you would be taking, if discretness is your problem i would recomend a cardboard box.
  5. So you think a bunch of massive card board boxes in the woods would do the trick? That's what I used last year for a TINY yield and it worked - dried so well the stems were snapping in I believe about 5 days?
  6. #6 chronicon, Apr 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2010

    Ha na i meant for inside its not very noticable you know. I heard once that in mexico when they dry out the nastieness they put it on cement slabs where there is all day sunlight then packit into brickss if that helps :rolleyes:
  7. Shit, putting it all out in the sun seems like me only option. Clip it at the grow site, bring it to a field, lay it all down and sit tight for the day. Being visible from the air prolly shouldn't be a prob....

    What about using a dehydrator? I could buy a large one and have the crop done in a day or so if I made one REALLY big one?
  8. You know I was actually thinking of using a tree! That'll work perfectly for my summer crop but for the stuff that comes in during the fall it might be a little bit more difficult... We'll see, I might have worked something out by October and at least now my plan for the summer harvest is all set xD.
  9. Good deal man :smoking:. I think im going to test this on one of my mids plants too but florida is really humid all the time so i doubt much drying is going to take place.
  10. Maybe some sort of tent with a propane heater to keep things warm and dry?

    I have an idea, you can bring it my house and hang it in my garage, it will be safe, I promise. LOL.
  11. Haha if only I lived on the West Coast... Other side of USA :(
  12. I live in Canada and I tried this one season for the same reasons as you. Luckily it was a very dry and warm year. I hung screens up in the tree branches to avoid wild animals getting at my buds. And I tried plastic rubbermaid bins with a screen set up inside and holes poked in the sides for air ventilatio. Regardless of all the precautions I took it was a constant hassle and battle against mold and I lost about 40% of the crop to mold
  13. look up kogs grow on youtube hes australian and he dries in his yard with a tarp he prolly had 20+ pounds ive also seen peeps hang it from trees with news paper wrapped around it with little holes in the news paper

    but if it was me id get some military camo netting and hard dry, jar and burry them in a tupperware

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