Drying on colder temp? Would it have an impact?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by TeaS, Oct 16, 2021.

  1. Hey all,

    So as some of you know I am first time outdoor grower (well I've never grown indoors too), and I harvested both of the plants I have. Now for the first one I managed to dry it Inside and it's curing now, but for this one I can't dry it Inside (my mother inlaw is our guest :blush:)

    My question is should I and can I dry it on lower temperature around 35-40 and if I do will it have an impact on the taste or THC?

    What do you all think should I risk it? :(
  2. Temp really doesn't matter all that much. It's the humidity we need to pay attention to.
    Dry to slow it'll mold. Dry to fast it'll stink like lawn clippings. Dry to deep and it'll never cure.

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