Drying in rice?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Abra_Kadabra, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. You know how if you drop a phone in water, or really anything for that matter you are suposed to put it in rice and in the sun? Can the same be said for MJ?!? I'm testing it right now but has anyone else tried this? I jut took a box of rice and one of the smaller branches off my plant and tossed the buds in there. I'm thinkin this is gonna work. Not shure
  2. I suppose the rice acts as a desiccant and would probably dry it a bit faster. I guess if you were snipping some buds just to have a bit to smoke early it would work, but normally you want your buds to dry as slowly as possible without molding to enhance flavor, aroma, etc.
  3. This^

    Bud requires complete patience. I know it's hard and there's nothing worse then knowing theres over an ounce of your own product 20 feet away that you cant smoke for a while but don't risk it.
  4. Is it bad to jar right away
  5. I'm kind of new at this too, but what I've been doing is, right after harvest, clip off the larger sun leaves and hang them in a cool, dry and dark place for about 3-4 days. Then you can do your trimming. After that, put them in a paper bag, layered between strips of paper and leave them until they are completely dry. After they are totally dry (I left mine for about a week and a half), then you can jar them and cure them. If you jar right away, you risk mold growing. You want to make sure the buds are completely dry first. Open the jar for a couple minutes once a week during curing, then seal it back up and put it in the dark. Best to wait about a month. I've got about a week left, then I can try mine. Good luck! :D

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