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Drying bud quickly?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Immeco, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Long story short, I just soaked 4 grams of mary jane in water. Accidentally, of course. What's the safest way of drying this so that there's no mold? Is there any way? Should I just throw it out? It's pretty dank shit, so that's why I wanna save it.

    Thanks for any advice!
  2. Hair dryer, microwave in 5 second intervals...don't stick it in the basement.
  3. grind up all the bud like your gonna roll a massive fucking jay. now go microwave 2 plates you know will get HOT. put em in there for a good minute or two, then put the bud on the plates and the other on top and shake em around. just keep repeating this.
  4. Take off your computer case and your computer should have some sort of mother board chip or some sound chip or something. Take a container and rest it on that. (make sure the container is NOT HEAVY AT ALL) and put your bud on the container and on the chip. In this position it should be in between two fans.
    Put your tower case back on and wait for a good day or few hours.

  5. This may sound stupid, but wouldn't that release the THC? I'm not an expert, nor will I pretend to be, but I thought even low temperatures would cause the THC to be released.
  6. I never had a problem.
  7. I'de just let it sit out, honestly. That way you won't lower the potency. Just please don't put that shit in the microwave.........That doesn't even deserve a facepalm.
  8. Yea, I just let mine sit out and let it air dry. I almost used a hair dryer today but thought better of it in case I ruined it. :p
  9. Ever done it? It doesn't do anything aside from dry it out, or light it on fire if you put it in too long.
  10. #10 P40, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2010
    Honestly man just sit it out in the sun it'll kill any mold too
  11. Put it in the oven on a really low temp.?
  12. Don't put your weed in the microwave.

    The best thing you could so is just make some edibles. Then you don't risk the chance of getting mold and you will get a couple killer brownies or cookies out of the weed you thought you wasted.

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