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Dryer sheets changing taste of weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bigdankin, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I store my stash with some dryer sheets around it so it doesn't stink up my whole closet. The last time we smoke, I kinda got a strange taste from it. It tasted like.... dryer sheets..... :mad:

    Anyone else have this happen to them?
  2. put the weed in a sealed bag, then wrap the dryer sheets around that. it should be kinda self explanatory to not put the weed itself(not in a bag) in the dryer sheets.:eek:who woulda thunk it.
  3. To clarify, the weed is not touching the dryer sheets. It's triple bagged and in a small box but the dryer sheets are in the box with it.
  4. If the bud is tripled wrapped and then the dryer sheet is helping mask any smell that may be leaking out, is that what is the case?

    If so, it's all in your head most likely. I can't see the sheets making a difference when your weed is in 3 bags.

    Go to the market and get a baby food jar. They're under a $1.00
  5. idk, dryer sheets have this power over weed, i just picked up a few ounces and they guy had them bagged up in freezer bags, then in another bag that used to be full of dryer sheets and the weed stank and taste like dyer sheets ALOT
  6. one of the people i smoke with frequently put dryer sheets around her bags when she was at home - roommates wanted nothing to do with weed. first time i ever hit the bowl with a bag that was wrapped i could instantly tell - it was like smoking a flower or potpourri.

    and to poster above - i doubt it's in the head. when i hit the pipe i had no prior knowledge of her wrapping up the bag, but once i smoked it i could instantly tell. upon further inspecting the weed it had a dryer sheet smell with almost no detectable weed smell. i wouldn't say it's in the head, because i could definitely tell that i was smoking laundry and flowers.
  7. Thanks for the replies. Looks like I am removing the damn dryer sheets. I want to smoke WEED! Not laundry....
  8. Time to get a mason jar, they work great
  9. dont know if it works but my brother went on this site called stink-bag...their site is bein worked on right now so it redirects you to their facebook can get a free sample bag that could easily hold on ounce in it...they are supposed to stop all smells

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