
Discussion in 'General' started by IL_Duce, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. my town has been pretty dry these past couple weeks, ive always been able to find some but it jst takes alot of calling

    has anyone else been dry lately??
  2. yeah im dry at the moment. I feel your pain.
  3. yep same here. and it sucks.

    A ton of peope got busted so tahts part of it. A guy a hung out with yesterday said its because its an election year. He said that whoever is in office at the moment trys to bust as many as possible/crack down on all crime so taht they have more reason to be re-elected. Because of this i guess people hoard and dont wanna sell. I also heard that most harvest like next month.
  4. all over for everyone there should be a big end of summer/pre fall harvest, so all should have lots and lots of real good buds comming in the next few months! yumm! fresh outdoor.

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