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dry weed tip.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by darkosweed, May 29, 2009.

  1. My friend just told me if you wrap some orange peel in aluminium foil and put it in with your dry weed in a like air tight bag or whatnot it will ..."soften up"(couldebt think of a word)
    and truth to this???
  2. never heard of wrapping it but yeah - it's an old trick

    any peel or small piece of potato will work
  3. lettuce and cabbage work good too, just make sure that none of it touches the weed,and not to leave it in there for over 4 hours because mold will develop.
  4. Just don't leave it in too long of you can get mold. A couple of hours at most then if you need more replace it with a fresh peel.

    EDIT: And no need to wrap it.
  5. Half the weed i get is too damp.

    Have to leave it out in the sun for an hour.

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