dry pipe vs water pipe

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by darkwar360, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. which do u prefer
  2. dude, what kind of thread is this.. seriously. There are so many other threads about this same thing. And then answer is extremely obvious.

    who would prefer a pipe over a bong? Makes no sense.
  3. i've been smoking for 6 months or so, and always from glass or wooden pipes... until last week! i bought a bubbler and i have completely fallen in love with it! It costs $32 and allows me to take massiveeeee hits with very little irritation... frikkin smooth as brew :smoking:
  4. but yeah also wtf search
  5. Dude water is the way to go. Although i have smoked out of some amazing pipes they still dont beat a bong.
  6. Uhh is it even a contest. Water filtration is so much smoother and gentler on your thorat and lungs. PLus you can take MASSIVE tokes from a nice bong.
  7. I prefer dry due to the long time risks of inhaling water vapor.

    The risk isn't worth the reward because although you might be able to take larger or smoother hits with a water pipe it all uses the same amount of weed. So what's the difference between having to take 2 hits or 1 massive hit? Nothing more than a little bit of time.

    Water pipes also aren't that portable for someone like me. I enjoy smoking on the go or out of the blue and don't want to carry around water all over the place or risk ruining my weed by getting it wet.
  8. I love water pipes when I kick back at my house, or I'm couch surfin' with a friend, but when I'm outside it's way too sketchy. Usually, I smoke indoors, though, so water pipes all the way. My friend has a two chamber dragon bubbler that I hope to get off of her one day, shit rips like nothing else.
  9. I really don't think there's a lot of risk involved from water vapor when taking bong hits. It's only one inhalation, if that's bad, saunas should be made illegal.
    And inhaling burnt plant matter is probably worse than some water too.

  10. There are plenty of risks from inhaling water vapor due to the fact that you do not know what is in the water your using. There have been many studies about some chemicals in water supplies such as manganese that when inhaled can cause health problems.

    So unless your filtering and purifying your water yourself you have no clue what's in your bong or bubbler's water.

    Also you can't really compare the daily use of a water pipe to that of a short sauna session every once in awhile.

    I can also almost guarantee your not one hit quitting once a day with your bong.

    I'm not entirely sure about "burning plant matter"'s risks but if your not taking resin hits, relighting your bowl after every hit, or you never take out your cashed tops than you probably are doing some minor damage over time.
  11. Really? I didnt even know all that[bold], shitrs crazy now theres suddenly so many dangers with modern consumption.:smoking:
  12. It's not that they're exactly new dangers it's just were finally realizing what kind of crap is being put into our water to help it last longer or have a certain taste.

    Also I never mean't to scare anyone with such a post because the risks are probably minimal or require prolonged use.

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