hey everybody, I was wondering what is better at a dance club; being drunk or being high? just want some opinions, thanks
[ame="http://www.break.com/index/old-lady-goes-crazy-during-landing.html"]Old Lady Goes Crazy During Landing Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://embed.break.com/1620295@@AMEPARAM@@1620295[/ame] I think it's better to be just absolutely out of your mind and point at people and be like "RIGHT ON!!!!"
i wonder if that lady was fine throughout the flight, then just got super excited at the end.. or if shes bat shit crazy and they just didnt start taping until the end.. ..if she had been acting like that the whole flight, i wouldve starting filming alot earlier, and make a feature film.
okay...smoke a gram of dank. take five grams of mushrooms. take four hits of acid. take some oxycodone do some coke do a point of molly and drink 2 forties of old english .........you should be good to go. okay. ....DON'T DO IT! I don't wanna feel bad if you actually did that.
I don't think I'd be able to walk, let alone afford the cover charge to get in the club after that. Props to anyone who could.
DO BOTH. Drink 2 40oz of Steel Reserve [taste like shit, but pretty strong for a 40] and smoke 2 grams of Afghan Kush
well since i hate getting drunk ... id say get ripped off some good SATIVA!! weed. dont smoke kush or anything because you wont have fun youll want to sit somewhere... smoke sour d, white widow, anything light green and easily breakable. itll make you feel like your in a trance of something .. especially with the music playing... buy all means DONT! do both.. youll just feel like shit real fast.. youll feel slow and trippy (falling).. youll... welll this is just me. im letting you know from my experiences