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drunk n high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RYANtheLION420, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. man it feels nice to be drunk nhigh, anyone drunk n high?
  2. crossfaded is the best
  3. last time i was drunk and high, i had a horrible experience. i lost feelings in my legs and swore i couldn't walk it was fucking freakkyyy

    never mixed again :) and recently quit drinking for good!
  4. #4 ngushur, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    We call that droning up here. And as to the answer to your question, I think it might be the only way I've been drunk. I've always smoked beforehand, and usually about 75% of the time I will smoke later on while I am drunk.
  5. haha right i always drink some then smoke a couple bowls and sleep really good
  6. Not drunk, tipsy. It can compliment a high pretty well. Drunk however, is often uncomfortable to me and can give me the spins especially when I'm smoking (which is 24/7)
  7. personally if i smoke and then start drinking, the alcohol seems to have muuuuuuch less of an effect on me.
  8. Yeah, I feel the same way usually :smoke:
  9. Getting crunk for the win. Nothing better than mixing the two.
  10. doing a lot of either will give me the spins but more so alcohol than weed. Yeah I usually smoke when I'm really drunk (because I'm really drunk) and it kicks my ass every time. But if I'm just chilling on both drugs then it's great. I wish I could be drunk and high right now, sadly I'm just drunk and it sucks. Alcohol sucks but it's fun to drink, not so much be drunk
  11. yeah there's something better than mixing the two, and that's just smoking marijuana. It's the best and it always will be. Nothing will ever live up to the amazingness that is the plant. A deep introspective high (even with a few other people who are feeling the same way) will beat any other experience. But that's just my two cents

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