Drum n Bass in america?

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by GYAZ, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. What the drum and bass scene like in america, it took off big style here in england about 4 years ago and now its all over the radio and tv. But it seems like most artists are english so whats the scene like in america. Also have you heard of the valve sound system over there? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeuRN1B5T5w]YouTube - Valve Sound System 2003[/ame]. When valve is on it fucking shakes your bones man.

    Oh and feel free post vids of favorite American drum n bass artists always looking for new music :)
  2. idk but that d'n'b seemed a bit weak to me... :p

    here's some modified motion, he usually does colabs with Faction and I'm sure one of them is american:

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiQPksd-XxE&feature=related]YouTube - Modified Motion - Serchin[/ame]

    and i should show you some portuguese brain-melting techno d'n'b :devious:

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR-XkbZqz5U]YouTube - DKaos - Switch[/ame]

    c-netik - portugal; gancher & ruin - russia, fucking agressive!

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmgZdIVO9i0&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL]YouTube - C-Netik, Gancher & Ruin - Hammer - Yellow Stripe Recordings 001[/ame]

    enjoy and spread the dnb, no-one seems to listen to it here :(
  3. Thanks guy.
  4. yeah DnB never really got popular in the states, it kinda sucks

    even our best DnB DJ in the states (dieselboy) decided to move over to dubstep, cuz no one in the US likes DnB...as far as im concerned its shitty shitty dubstep...its not even fun to dance to
  5. i dont like it:(
    not into rave scene tho but othere types of rave music i like.
    this not so much.
    im sorry its a fail for me:(
  6. yeah i'm going to valve in march it's gonna be so sick.. need earplugs for that shit
  7. #7 Judgement, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    I used to work in the NY/NJ Scene going back well over a decade, was pretty hot, these days no idea.. The entire electronic scene is nothing like it used to be here. Plenty of big promoters and companies in my area Konkrete Jungle, Jungle Sky("The First Family of American Drum and Base") (Dj Soulslinger)(a subset of Liquid Sky), Breakbeat Science (from Planet of the Drums crew)(Dj Dara), Driven AM...etc There are pleanty of DJs, promoters and parties still being thrown, I just know nothing of the state of things in current day, and I'm certain it is nothing like it used to be..

    Back when I dropped out of the scene it was getting pretty bad, DEA raids, gang activity and dead people, fights, robberies all over, got pretty hectic to say the least..
  8. Me and some friends followed the valve sound system around for a about a year tanned all my money going all over the country but I saw like %90 of all the DNB artists ive ever wanted to see so it was worth it. That year was a blur of drink, bass, strobe lights and some mad type writer jaw (gurning).

  9. mate that sounds intense. but mint.

    sweet. :smoke:

  10. Jungle > DnB > Dumb Step

    man that shits not to be danced to its to drive down the highway speeding frying ur brains out music

  11. No DNB for dancing and this for driving 120mph while pumping your fist and shouting AGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! out the car window
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdktwjQtcG4&feature=related]YouTube - Angerfist - Dance With The Wolves[/ame]

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