Drugs Presentation

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by BDAToker, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. So it's now 2011, and people are still so small minded and uneducated about weed.

    We had a guest speaker come talk to us about weed and shit at my highschool.

    Long story short, he told us about a girl who he knew 'personally' who took bought weed laced with ...wait for it............... METHHHHHHHHHH DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN.

    It was absolute crap, the whole 3 hours, I was there with half of my classmates laughing at his statements and foolish 'facts'.

    Also, the reason why my school brought this wonderful man who knows so much about drugs, is because my school thinks me and two of my friends are selling. I don't bring drugs to school.

    For fuck sake, they brought in the drug dogs the other week. And guess whos class they searched first? Mine. And who was in there, me and my two friends.

    The dog spent approximately 3.4 seconds sniffing my bag before moving on to my friends bags which he spent like not even 2 seconds sniffing.

    So they left and searched a few other classrooms, not even the whole school.

    Me, and two of my friends get called in over the intercom to go to the principals office.

    My dumb principal makes up this story saying that "The Police herp derp said we have the grounds to search you. Because the dog showed interest in YOU THREE."

    If the police did say that, they would have searched us. If the police did have grounds to search us, why didn't they. If the dog showed interest in US three, why did it just walk away after sniffing us.

    I'm mad.

    Sorry, I wrote this just to make a thread but it turned into a rant.

    tl;dr fuck liars. especially adult liars who like to boss around kids and 'young adults'
  2. I made a powerpoint about marijuana when i was a freshman for an english project. My teacher is probably anti-weed, but I got a 100 on the project, it was a really good project I must say. A month later I did a paper on it aswell, and got a 100.

    Try to convert as many people as you can, and if they don't like it, just smoke. Who cares what the hell ignorant people think.

  3. I like you.
  4. I'm flattered:cool:
  5. [​IMG]

    Attached Files:

  6. Thisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthis

    Toke on man. :smoke:
  7. meh i fixed it lol
  8. When I was in high school I did the same thing, but in order to do it I had to convince my teacher that weed was a harmless herb or else I got a zero. I got an A+ that day:hello:
  9. When your on school property, you lose your rights and freedom.
    They can basically treat you like shit, and you not be able to do anything about it.
  10. Yeah, I'm so glad to have graduated and moved on to college. I haven't looked back since :wave:

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