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Drugs are bad MmmKay??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ImTheJoker4u2, Feb 9, 2011.

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  1. #1 ImTheJoker4u2, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011

    All right kids, gather round here Im gonna tell you a story about drugs..
    OK Now I know there are plenty of us older heads who have been around the block with more than just sweet Mary. As the discussion of drugs other than cannabis are forbidden on this forum, Im not quite sure how to approach this.
    If it gets deleted - So be it.
    Kids...Drugs are bad.
    All drugs.
    Some are worse than others. All are worse than cannabis.
    Drugs can be lots of fun, but all things in moderation. As stated in 20+ years of experimentation I can tell you that drugs suck. Especially highly addictive ones. If you are thinking about trying harder drugs (This includes prescription drugs) think about the consequences. Its very easy for your mind to play tricks on you. Its called "talking yourself into it". The more you do addictive drugs, the easier it is to do.

    People, places, and things.

    If you hang around people that do hard drugs, eventually you will do hard drugs.
    If you hang around places that people do hard drugs, eventually you will do hard drugs.
    If you do things that remind you of hard drugs, eventually you will do hard drugs.

    Hard drugs can turn people into monsters. We all know a crack or meth feen stealing money from their parents or robbing houses to support their habit. Not to mention what your body goes through.

    There really is no future in being a drug addict.

    Sweet Mary is the only "drug" we can consume regularly without any ill side effects (Other than the munchies:D)
    If you're dabbling with hard drugs, be aware that its not all fun and games. Peoples lives get FUCKED UP. People DIE.
    I don't want to come off as preachy or as an elitist, I just want to put out a little of my experience.

    I started pot at 14, drugs at 15. I was addicted to a drug that ruled my life 24/7 for 4 years by the time I was 23.
    I remember how I justified it all in my head. "Well Ill just do this one more and then thats it" "OK well one more" Its always "one more", or "this last time".
    If you find yourself doing things you're not proud of, or you see your life changing for the worse - If you want to stop - If you can't stop and you KNOW it - Get help. Do it now. Don't do it tomorrow. Don't wait "till you get high one last time". Do not put it off another minute.
    Your "last one" may be your last one......


    Good luck out there kids:wave:
  2. Sticky please. :hello:
  3. But can we really say, logically, marijuana is the safest drug in existence?
  4. #4 slarzon, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    all drugs are bad exept cannabis the most harmless drug in the world i have seen so many lifes ripped apart by meth and heroin oxi addicts are the worst imo i will say the only other drug i approve of pure opium nothing else
  5. Cool story bro, Mary Jane is a herb not a drug bro.
  6. #6 studek9, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    great write up:hello:

    if i had rep i would give you all of it

    you sir are a saint and a scholar lol
    someone sticky this somewhere ha either here or in pandoras box

    i have dabbeld in x but i dont plan on doing it again felt awesome at the time next day felt like my brain was mush ima stick wit the mariganja
  7. People are going to do what they want. If they want to do harmful drugs so be it. Don't inter-vein until they are committing another crime.
  8. Props for this ******.
  9. pcp is bad

    [ame=""]YouTube - Calif. Man Accused of Biting Out Son's Eye[/ame]
  10. never have, or will, set foot on the path of drugs other than cannabis. cannabis is a leading role in my life and it keeps me from trying other things that could kill me/get me addicted.

  11. weed forever.
  12. Pretty old news but props for the effort..

    i'm quite sure most people on here are aware that moderate cannabis use could be said to have no 'bad effects'
  13. #14 Goldmine, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    i went to the doctor recently and she asked me if i was a smoker and i said no. but sometimes im honest to a fault so i go no CIGARETTS, but i do smoke cannabis occasionally. and she got all snooty and then later when she was perscribing me my syrup she was like have you had any problems with narcotics and i was like no, no drugs and she goes well marijuana can be a narcotic and im like how so??? and the dumb bitch goes well it can lead to hard narcotics. and then she was trying to push antidepressants on me and i was like hail no. she goes antidepressants are way better for you than marijuana. i mean she was a nice lady and she helped me but talk about distorted. and i told her too, she was like oh there are all kinds of antidepressants you can use, new ones, and im like yea i know that , the drug companies are working day and night pumping new ones out. i was being a real smartass bc she got so combative the second i mentioned weed.

    anyway what a square. im not taking any of her fucking happy pills. im not even depressed, im just fucking run down bc i havent exercised and im stressed, and i ve been deathly ill, but its like hey pills solve everything rite. bullshit, those things are a scam. i guess if you take them and they help you fine but i dont need that shit. like maybe i should address some of my bad habits and issues im not happy with before i start taking the mystery pills and fucking with my brain and shit. i dunno. i dont trust doctors. they all have fucking attitudes.

  14. Pills with million side effects
    Take em when the pains felt
    Wash them down with Diet soda!
    Killin off your brain cells
  15. #16 Cubs Guy17, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Its still a drug bro

    420th POST MOTHAFUCKAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Do you ever have anything positive to say?

    this thread is good advice, especially on a cannabis forum.
  17. i like this. i started doing x when i was 18. but after a really bad bad bad high, i quit and stuck to mary jane. :smoke:

  18. A forum which talk of other drugs is not allowed. And if anyone over the age of eighteen needs to be advised that hard drugs can be dangerous, they shouldn't even be using cannabis anyway.

  19. [​IMG]
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