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"Drugs" and alcohol? RANT

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by S0BE, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. Lately ive been thinking alot about why poeple say "drugs and alcohol". It makes it seem like drugs, mostly weed is "soo bad" and alcohol is O.K. Really alcohol is a drug because a drug is defined as "broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function". Mostly this applies to a lot of girls i know and some other guys. Those girls are against smoking buds but they drink or are O.K. with drinking. It really bugs me cause alcohol is WAY worse. Those girls just dont understand that, even when i explain it, they still are stuborn and dont listen.

    For example my friends girlfriend was chill about him smoking buds but she doesnt. Now she gets pissed and was sad that he still does. Now he has to lie and say hes slowing down and if we are smoking he lies sometimes and says we arent. Its bullshit that poeple are soo against it, and wont change even with a whole fucking internet of information telling them its NOT BAD AT ALL.

    This all relates back to "drugs and alcohol". The media/government has completely given people the wrong idea. I was against it at one point but that all changed when i started. Since it say "and alcohol" it makes it seem like its a different thing/category and not a drug. Plus the fact that its illegal makes people think that its bad.

    Another example. Earlier this year my friends and i were talking about smoking or sometihng bud realated at lunch. The girl that sits next to me turns and says "You know your ruining your life right?" I was like what the fuck are you talking about? "its illegal and bad....bitch.....bitch......bitch. People like that are exactly why im ranting about this now.

    I dont know why i randomly made this. Prolly cause 4/20 is tomorow (fuck yea) and im starting my first grow so ive been thinking about how many reasons there are why bud should be legalized. And why its not bad at all compared to alcohol.

    One more thing; I know there are a bunch of female smokers on here and i wasnt trying to center this argument towards you. Just i see more girls agaginst smoking that guys. I also know a few girls that smoke more than i do.
  2. it annoys the fuck out of me too, like when they say drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Uhh hey numb nuts they're all drugs, why dont u spend some more money busting meth labs vs Marijuana.:rolleyes:
  3. Exactly. I love when people agree with me.
  4. Empty beer cans your covered in blood there's a corpse in the back and a map that says this is where we will hide the body . . . Seems fine have a nice day SMALL AMOUNT OF POT put your hands behind your back. I hate that shit I went to a party with a preppy chick I was fuckin and they were all drinkin and I lit up a j and everybody freaked they were like that's illegal they were under 21 drinking alcohol at the time so I said y'all are dumb an kept on smokin. Lost my preppy bitch cause of it though.
  5. Lol. I can picture that. Everyone is drinking and ur sittin there sparking a j and everybody freaks out. lol.
  6. ah dude. i can totally relate to everything you're saying.

    not too long ago i received the ultimate gratification, with regard to the agony of being surrounded by people who speak ill of cannabis compared to alcohol. it was in my abnormal psychology class (gave it away-i'm in college), and the professor basically spent a whole lecture talking about how less harmful so many different recreational drugs are (including cannabis) compared to alcohol.

    then when he finished he said okay. for those of you to whom this information is totally new, how many of you feel like hypocrites (for looking down on smoking weed)?

    haha he was one of my favorite professors. great guy.
  7. #7 Timeconsumer420, Apr 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2010
    I HATEEEEE when people say "drugs and alcohol". They are so unintelligent and lesser humans than us. Its like, "uhhh, you do know that alcohol is a drug? Along with hmmm, sugar/vitemins/medicine/processed foods etc". And what i hate the MOST is all those stupid "straightedge" and "drug free" kids talking shit about me smoking, saying how drugs are so bad. When they are sitting there clogging their arteries with coffee/soda/energy drinks all day. Its like "yeah dude i smoke ciggs and drink and shit, but you drink energy drinks. Every heard of speed? Its pretty much what you're drinking right now."
  8. i 100% agree... alcohol is one of the more dangerous drugs too

  9. wait man--

    just to clarify, smoking "ciggs" and drinking alcohol are both pretty rough on your body...i'd fathom a guess that they're worse for you even than caffeine. in fact, cigarettes and alcohol both have got to be in like the top five killers of man. not so sure about the energy drinks.

    but i suppose i'm just saying that... because i'm a chronic weed smoker, almost-daily energy drink drinker, and non cigg and alcohol user...i'm biased.:smoking:

  10. I didnt mean to make it seem like they arent bad haha. they are. I meant like how they think what they are doing isnt a drug, when its probably just as bad as what im doing. Er well, not as bad, but still bad. haha idk im horrible putting my thoughts into words and have a habit of alwaysss having to be technical.
  11. One of the main reasons to really be upset about the phrase drugs and alcohol, isn't just because people are misunderstanding the usage of what constitutes a drug. Because in essence, they are understanding perfectly how it's supposed to be used. It's really that there's been a concerted effort on the part of government, law enforcement, media to help public opinion articulate the phrase instead of dealing with it at face value.

    But then again Alcohol lobbies really hard to not be seen as a drug. That's cause a lot of marketing and research went into how to sell alcohol as not being a drug, but rather a beverage. And that's really another way alcohol has been able to infiltrate, the whole idea that this isn't a drug... this is really the responsible equivalent of adult soda pop and it comes in delicious flavors.

    It's kind of weird to see that America is having the same discussion on drugs as we apparently were having like 40 years ago with regard to Marijuana. I watched a 60 minutes special with Mike Wallace from the 60s and it was so weird to me that he was actually trying to have a dialog and explore marijuana usage, cause right about now in America I can't think of a prominent news figure doing that.
  12. Yeah I agree with this. Alcohol should most definitely be included in the drugs spectrum instead of being given a category of its own. Any substance that is absorbed into ones body with the consequence of altering their normal state of being should be classified as a drug.

    It also irritates me when people try and say weed isn't a drug though, because it most definitely is. It may be far less severe than other drugs but it still alters your state of being via consumption of THC and is therefore still a drug.

    Nicotine and caffeine are drugs too. Some drugs are just far less bad than others.
  13. I think the two are often coupled together BECAUSE many people are ignorant and assume that alcohol is not a drug. I think they should say,drugs,alcohol and cigarettes.

    I've done almost every drug,including steroids. I've had friends abuse every substance known to man...and here are what I think are the worst drugs to Abuse, I say abuse cuz, occasional rational use does exist. But, drugs that I've seen people really fuck up on and die etc..are>>>>>>>

    stimulants (coke,crack,any type of speed related drug,MDMA)

    stay away from the above if you can
  14. I had some presentation at high school once, some cop trying to tell us about "alchol and drugs".
    I just spend 50 minutes trying to convince the cop that alcohol is a drug and he tried to explain otherwise.

    Sitting in the busride back while stoned I always get the thing like, weed is destroying your life and shit.
    Next time I saw that girl in town one day and she was drunk as hell.
    I didn't say nothing but still.

    It's just that weed is labeled by sociaty as a drug and we get hammered in to our skulls since childhood that drugs are bad and alcohol is something you are allowed to use freely without problems.
    If we labeled alcohol as a drug and weed as another catagory, we would be talking about alcohol use right now.

    Im high cuz of 4/20 so dont mind the typing errors if any.
  15. Drugs are bad mmmmkay :) Seriously everyone I work with still believes that smoking marijuana kills massive amounts of brain cells :/

    I remember lighting up a joint at a less than jake concert a few months ago and everyone around me freaking the fuck out cause we were smoking lol. They were all younger kids probably in early high school or middle school but still haha
  16. Hypocrites are straight bullshit. I love when people agree with me, even more when I high lol. 420 fuck yea.

  17. This is where I'm at right now. Admitting I smoke, but occasionally having to lie about it to my partner in order to make it seem like I only smoke every now and again.

    Seems to me the problem is two-fold:

    First there is the seeming utter inability of some people to accept that, hey, maybe this stuff isn't quite as bad as I thought (despite the mountain of evidence and personal anecdotes I give them).

    Then there is the "smoking weed is getting wasted" crowd. Perhaps they're infected by the "drugs and alcohol" link. For whatever reason though, so many people, even those that sometimes smoke themselves, see it as just another way of getting trashed. God forbid you smoke more than once a month or so... because then you're just some loser stoner who is ruining their life.

    Really really irritates me when otherwise intelligent people just can't seem to get past their irrational hatred of it.

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