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Druge text location and time choices (subbing)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Ladyburn, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. Edit:sorry about the misspelled title. I am exhausted and stressed

    Hi fellow stoners,
    LT reader first time poster. About to take a drug test (pre employment) and have been pouring over a billion threads about it. I do have a lingering question: I can choose to go to a clinic (an outpatient branch of the local hospital) or a hospital. The clinic has certain walk in hours from like 8-4 but has only one person who does the tests and who is apparently not always available. The hospital has walk in hours 24/7 but may be busier (unsure since hospital labs can be unpredictable). Which do you think would be the better choice? And is there a certain time you'd recommend (I'm getting clean pee around 7am so I had planned to go after that but?). Thank you!!!!
  2. A bit to the left of the 5 stars for ratings should be a button marked "Thread Tools" It'll let you edit your thread title.
    <-- would break the test machine I'm so canna contaminated.


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