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Drug testing?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by scoobadooba, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I've been looking for an answer to this question for a while and am finding conflicting answers. I've recently applied to Petco and Petsmart and am worried about having to take a DT after being interviewed (if i even get the call). Petsmart states on the application that they have the right to but no where have I read whether either definitively tests before hiring. I've heard from various people that yes, they will send me for a pee test before hiring and i've also heard the exact opposite, that they won't. I've stopped smoking and have decided to until I get a new job, just to avoid this, but I'm worried about timing more than anything.

    So does anyone have an experience working at either Petsmart or Petco or know anyone who does and want to give me some insight? Thanks.
  2. I don't have experience with those 2 specific places. But I feel pretty confident in saying that most of these type of jobs today that have an application that says they have the right to drug test you, means they usually do before they hire you.

    I know Target had that on their application and they were going to drug test me. Luckily a local restaurant called me up too and they don't drug test :hello:

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