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Drug testing....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by elykyle, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Sorry for making this thread but it is something that is important to me. Anyways I want to get a job at albertsons and I was wondering if they drug test you on pre employment? I've tried checking google and havent come up with much. Also if I am required to get a drug test it would be like at a hospital or something right? Therefore I could just get a friends piss lol... Anyways if they ended up catching me all that would happen would they would say you arent hired and you leave right? Sorry for this dumb ass thread I just need some answers :smoking:
  2. you should ask a worker that works their. :)

    well if they do give you a 'drug test' then i think they would give it to you in the store.. or something.

    and i think they watch you [not sure]
  3. I'm not sure if that particular company tests but if they do it'll usually be done on the spot at the company or they'll send you to a 3rd party to get tested. I'm not sure if you go to a hospital for that kind of stuff, I never had to yet.

    As for getting your friends piss, they check for temperature (sometimes). So if you do use your friends piss you have to keep it roughly the same temperature.

    There's a bunch of stickies around the forums that go into a lot more detail what a drug test entails, plus different methods to pass them.

    Hope this helped.
  4. yes, they drug test. but it's only a saliva test
  5. grocery stores are testing, GEEZ!
  6. i got a saliva test before i got my job at the grocery store in my town. i didnt smoke then but i think saliva gets clean after 2 days becuase it is constantly making more.
  7. Here in my city the grocery stores do hair folicle tests!!!!!!!

    Dont know a way around them (neither did britney!!!!!) but I would definately ask someone that works there what they had to do so you have an idea as to what action needs to be taken. And YES all they will do is say sorry you are not employable within our company........ been there done that when I was a wee lad :D

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